Chapter 12

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(Jordan's POV)

Today was the day I was going to ask y/n to go on our first official date as a couple. And what better place to go than....drumroll please!

The arcade.

So, I put on a skyrim shirt, blue jeans, black Nike shoes, and a doctor who band. I put my hair in a messy quiff (is dat what they called? Idk) thing and then went downstairs.

"Hey y/n!" I said standing beside the couch where she was sitting alone. Mainly because the others were making a video.

"Oh, hey Jords!" She replied. I blushed a little at the nickname which made her giggle.

I jokingly got down on one knee and said, "y/n, you've been the love of my life for a day now, will you please go on a date with me to the arcade?"

It took her about two minutes to stop laughing before she answered, "omg yes, Jordan yes! A million times yes!" In a silly voice. Then she started laughing again.

(Y/n POV)

He got down on one knee. Wait what?! Then I saw his goofy smile, and I knew he was joking.

"Y/n you've been the love of my life for a day now, will you please go on a date with me to the arcade?"

I was laughing so hard until I said, "omg yes Jordan yes! A million times yes!" In one of the funniest voices possible.

Then I went upstairs to get ready.

Boom! Rainbow knee socks!

Boom! Pikachu shirt!

Boom! Pikachu beanie!

Boom! Black leggings!

Boom! Converse!

Boom! Necklace my mom--....necklace!

Boom! Make up!

Boom! I'm ready! I ran downstairs and went outside with Jordan. We left a note saying we were going out. As we were heading to the car he ran past me and then opened the door for me. I giggled.

"Thanks," I said as I got in.

"Anything for m'lady!" He said once he got in the car.

Let's just say once we got there, it was two hours of competition until we went to a pizza place.

(F/p = favorite pizza cuz WHY NOT!?)

"One small sausage pepperoni pizza and one small f/p pizza (favorite pizza pizza 😂) for us," Jordan ordered.

We went over to a table and waited for the pizzas to get done.

"Did you have fun today?" Jordan asked me.

"Yeah, especially since I beat you most of the time!" I answered laughing.

"Hey!" Jordan exclaimed jokingly clutching his heart and making a pouty face. We talked for a bit but then shut up and ate when the pizzas came.

When we were done it was getting dark so we were ready to head home. I got my purse and slung it around my shoulder. I grabbed Jordan's hand and we walked off to the car.

When we passed an ally, a guy jumped out at us with a pistol. My face turned white thinking of...never mind. Anyways, we shot our hands up and looked horrifically at the guy.

"Money," he snarled as he motioned the gun at my purse. I slowly opened it and was about to get out this money when I heard a disgusting sound and then metal on concrete. And then a big brcrshsbbbbb sound. I looked at Jordan holding his hand in pain, the guy on the ground unconscious, and the gun three yards away. I quickly grabbed my phone and called the police.

When Jordan and I got home he hugged me and said that God took care of us and its okay. I snuggled into his chest and nodded.

We stepped inside and saw the others watching the news. We saw "BREAKING NEWS!" on the screen and us standing there along with police cars everywhere. Isaac, Bethany, and Cierra practically tackled us when they saw us. We had to explain the story to them.

Afterwards, I just wanted to go to bed. I was about to go to my room when somebody took my hand. I looked back and saw Jordan.

"You okay?" He asked. I was still shaken up from earlier. "Come on," he said frowning slightly and took me to his room. We laid down and I snuggled into his chest. I soon fell asleep peacefully.

OK I dunno ur time zone, but if your in the eastern time zone of the USA then don't ask why I'm updating at 11:34 pm OK? I can't sleep. Besides...I'm giving u hints on next chapter. OK, bye my KitKats, love ya! And goodnight! ~Esha

Jordan Frye X Reader (Venturian Fanfic) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now