Chapter 20

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(Jordan's POV)

(Y/n) and I stepped outside and marveled the snow that had fallen last night. I had my arms wrapped around her waist as she lent her back into my chest for warmth.

"I wanna go play in it..." She whimpered looking longingly at the white fluff coating the ground.

I smiled and looked down into her soft (h/c) hair. I kissed it and then agreed, "Alright let's go!" We went into the wet and cold frosting and began to make snow angels. (Y/n) let out a small giggle as she flapped her arms in the snow.

"Frosty!" She squeaked slightly.

"Hmm?" I questioned her reasoning. Beth went out with Gut and Cierra was out with Isaac shopping for groceries. Mom wasn't home because...well I'm not sure where she went. Anyways, I looked back over at my beautiful snow princess as she began collecting a ball of snow, and I realised what she wanted to do.

"Come on and help me out!" She grunted as she rolled the ball ion the deep snow making the white boulder bigger. I got up and began helping out, creating the torso.

~{Le Time Skip}~

(Y/n) marveled the snowman that she had named frosty, although he didn't have a button nose or two eyes made out of coal.

I picked up a piece of snow and carefully molded it into a ball. I giggled as she squealed when it hit her back.

"Hey!" She laughed as she gathered one and threw it at me. We soon began a snowball fight.

"Okay, okay, stop!" I laughed as I was being pelleted by snowballs. "Truce! You win!" She threw one last snowball at him and then jumped on my fortress which I had used to hide myself as much as possible. I laughed again as she flung snow into my cold face.

I looked into her bright (e/c) eyes and her red nose. She was smiling and looking fondly into my eyes. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her smaller figure into my grasp. She giggled as I felt her warm breath against my jacket.

"I love you..." I murmured as another car pulled into the drive.

"Hey Jordan! I dont think the snow is the warmest place to cuddle!" I heard Gut yell out at me. (Y/n) giggled and got up.

"Yeah we were...we were gonna go inside..." I said distractedly.

Bethany got out of his truck, kissed him good bye, and we went inside.

~{Another Le Time Skip}~

(Y/n) and I walked out of the movie theatre, and I walked over to the car. We got inside after I opened the door for her.

"That was a really good movie!" She exclaimed as she grabbed my hand. "I love you." She said as her words floated into my ears like silk and let my hearing sense drink them up like lemonade. Every bit of honesty reminded me of how much I loved her too.

"I love you too" I said as I started up the car. I patted my pocket and smiled. Instead of driving home, I turned towards the park.

"Um..Jordan you missed the turn onto the highway home, where are we going?" (Y/n) looked at me quizzically.

"Somewhere," I answered, leaving her to ponder about the possibilities of where we could be going.

I drove into the park and set the car into the parking spot.

"Get out," I carefully commanded as I opened the door for her. She confusingly got out of the car and jumped slightly as I took her hand. I kept my other hand in my pocket securing the box so it wouldn't fall out. I took her beyond the bushes and along a dirt trail.

"Jordan are we aloud to be out here?" I heard her small voice ask. I nodded my head and led her to an opening that was covered by tall pines but was open enough to show the dark sky dotted with stars. A dark blue waterfall rushed down along a river, but the edge was secured slightly with vines and bushes. (Y/n) gasped as she took in the wonderful sights.

I slung my arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, (y/n)?" I got her attention.

"Mmhmm" she answered as she looked amazingly at the sight in front of her. I gently took her chin and made her look into my eyes. I felt bubbles in my stomach but knew that I was making the right decision.

"You said you loved me in the car. But I have to admit, ever since I first saw you in that tree I've been crazy about you. You're beautiful and amazingly kind. My family accepts you and so does my heart. I turned her slightly and got down on my knee. I looked up at her and pulled out the small box that held the decision for our life commitment.


"(Y/n) (y/l/n),"


"Will you do me the amazing honor and,"


"Become my,"


"Wife?" Tears of happiness streamed down her face as she looked onto the pure silver ring that had a heart jewel made of diamonds.

"I..i-i uh...yeah? Yes! Totally! Oh my gosh, yes Jordan!" She said happily as I slid the ring onto her fourth left finger and got up. We sat there and kissed for a long time until out lungs were dying for air and a shooting star shot above us. Snow started falling down onto our heads. I held my new fiancé in my arms.

"I love you so much..." She whispered as we parted our kiss.

"I love you too..." I said as we began walking home.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OMG IM SO HAPPY WITH MYSELF! AHHHH! *sigh* ohhhh my goodness.....

Candy. I thought of you the whole time while writing this. XD

Jordan Frye X Reader (Venturian Fanfic) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now