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Simply put, Aleida thought she was in heaven. Emily made such amazing food, she was surprised she didn't burst from eating so much.

It had been years since she had eaten anything that good, or even anything with that much flavour.

It was around noon when Embry had returned and was willing to answer all of her questions.

She had a lot of questions.

"So explain to me the entire spirit warrior thing? Does it hurt? To shift?" she asked excitedly.

Embry watched her with wide eyes. He never thought she would be that interested and have any actual question.


"Shifting. Does it hurt?" she repeats slowly.

Embry looked at her strangely. "In the beginning yeah, but now it just sort of happens. Its quick."

"What was it like in the beginning?"

Pausing slightly, be shifts on his feet uncomfortably, unsure of how much he can answer before the rest of the pack get angry.

"Like I was being set on fire from the inside out."

Aleida looked at him sadly. A distant look in her eyes. "I understand."

Emily looks back at the pair, both her ans Embry confused on what could have made her so sad.

"Why don't you tell her about imprints and the legends?" Emily suggests.

Aleida looked up with a sly smile. "I think I know the legends. Or well the legends of how you came to be at least."

Sitting up straight, she continues on without giving them a chance to react.

"You we're spirit warriors. Men who were able to leave their bodies to travel in the spirit realm. Along they, something came to pass that caused you to take control of the wolves," Aleida breathed out a sigh. "You probably view wolves as sacred around here. My people were not that different."

"Your people?" Emily asked.

"My people are of the old world. We were ancient," she explains in a soft voice. "Some of us were gifted, but we wouldn't know until we were old enough. Sort of like it coming when you reach puberty."

Aleida felt the wood of the chair, feeling the faint power flowing through it. A clear sign that the wood is no longer pure but still contains some purities.

"I never had the chance to learn about the others of my kind, I never even learned fully of my own." Aleida gives them a soft smile.

"What happened?" Embry asked in curiousity.

"It is of no concern anymore. It is in the past now. A very distant memory of an old soul."

Embry and Emily shared looks with one another. The girl had a bold personality but she was unaware of simple things like hoow the fashion in which she spoke was outdated.

"How old are you?" they asked hesitantly.

Aleida was startled by the question. She had no idea how old she was, it wasn't something she kept track of.

"I'm not sure," she admits. "I was eighteen the last time I knew of the year. My body has not changed since."

"What year was that?" Emily asked softly.

"I turned eighteen in 1943."

Aleida said it without hesitation, like it wasn't a big deal. The other two were stunned. Frozen, even, at how old the small girl in front of them was.

"Why? What year is it now?"


Aleida was completely and utterly confused on why they were acting so strange. They had yet to tell her the year, but she wasn't stupid to miss that something was off. Something about everything didn't add up.

In order to ease some of the awkward tension, she had reminded Embry of the promised bath.

She never expected for it to be so complicated.

"So explain it to me again,"she said to an amused Embry and Emily.

Pointing to multiple things, he directs her through the functions of the nobs. Emily showing her the different kind of body washes and hair soaps.

"When did everything start to smell so delightful?" she asked acter smelling some shampoos.

"I'm not sure, I imagine it was a long time ago," Embry tells her.

Humming in acknowledgement, she continues to explore the various things.

"It's all so strange really," she starts. "Bathing was never this fancy where I was from. I knew that the rest of the world was more advanced, but I wasn't aware that it was like a whole new world."

Embry watches the girl with a soft smile. She was fierce and strong when placed in her own element, like she knew something you didnt but out of the woods she was like a curious child.

"What did you do all this time then?"

"Well I did a lot of moving around. Some would call me rogue, others nomad, but I always went by wanderer," she said whistfully. "I wandered, I saw things, been places. I love constantly moving."

Aleida turns to look at herself in the mirror. She wasn't surprised by the state she was in. It had been a very long time since she had properly seen herself so the twigs and leaves stuck in her hair didn't come as a surprise, neither did the smeared dirt on her cheeks.

What actually surprised hed most was her dress. She loved her dress more than anything seeing as it was one of the only possesions she had, added to the fact that she made it herself. It was overall wonderfull. The hide, however, was worn and stained, it looked to be in desperate need of a wash.

Smoothing her hands over certain places on her dress, she was overcome with sorrow. Her people usual wore something and easy to move in, it was safer that way. Aleida had made her dress with that in mind. She had based it off of her mothers own clothing.

She was not willing to part with the old, worn dress.

Embry was easily able to detect what was on her mind by the way she gazed and played with her dress. He had no idea of the story behind it, but the thing was special to her.

"I can get you something to wear if you want, we can wash your clothes," he offered.

"Yes, please,"she replied almost instantaneously.

Emily smiled fondly at the girl. "I'll get you something to wear."

Aleida turned to face the woman quickly with a grateful smile.

"Something easy to move in, if it's no bother," she told her.

Emily simply nods before leaving.

Aleida turned back towards the mirror and brought her hands to her head. Slowly she tried to remove the twigs and leaves from her hair, praying that none are too tangled.

After a few minutes of struggling, she huffs a little. Facing an amused Embry, she pouts slightly, "Can you help me?"




This is like a half filler, half non-filler. Im not sure that that makes sense but it does to me so whatever.

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