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"Almost done," Aleida soothed. "Deep breath."

Her and Sam held down the boy as Carlisle expertly snapped another bone so that he could set it properly. Sweat dripped from her as she worked to help him.

She channeled the earth for strength to hold him, as she worked on growing the right plants that would ease his pain.

His screams were enough to shake the home, the boys outside cringing at the pain of their brother.

Aleida and Sam held their masks in place, a strong exterior to assist the boy through the pain.

Another loud snap was heard and Aleida prepared herself. Jacob turned and pushed against them, the pain was excruciating.

""It's alright Jake," Sam told him, his voice rough. "Just a few more."

Wiping away his tears, Aleida soaked a rag in the cold water she prepared and laid it across his forward. Signalling the Doctor to continue. His screams filled the air around them, the process had been going on for what seems like hours. It could have vary well been hours for what she knew.

"I can't," the boy croaked. He reached his hand towards Aleida hoping she would understand.

"You have to." She pushed back his sweat soaked hair. "We're almost done."

"You keep saying that," he moaned.

She glanced back toward the vampire, earning a nod. "Listen, this is the last one. He will be checking you up after then you are under mine and Sue's care. Just hold out for this last one."

Aleida saw headlights appear through the window, followed by a slamming door. She shook away the arrival of the new comer and prepped herself. His screams reached her for what she hoped was the final time, chills going down her spine.

Both her and Sam leaned back, sweat dripping from them. The looked to each other, recognizing pain in the other.

"Go to the boys," she told him. "They need you as much as you need them."

He left without much convincing. She smiled softly at the raised voices of the pack.

"He should be fine soon," Carlisle spoke to her. "His bones have already started to reset. Your herbal remedies will probably do a better job than any medication I could give him."

She snorted softly. "Tell me something I don't now."

"I have to look you over as well," the vampire admits to her. "You might have gotten hurt."

Aleida smiled at the kindness he was showing her. This was all for her Emmett's sake, she knew this.

"I assure you I am fine."

She turned her attention back to Jacob, quick to grind up herbs. A paste was made, a green disgusting substance that she smoothed onto his skin. His sigh of relief was immediate.

"What is that?" His voice hoarse.

"Quiet. Your voice will not get better by speaking."

She continued in her work, grinding and mixing various leaves and herbs into water before feeding it to the boy. It flowed down his throat easily, relieving the pain slightly with each sip.

"It gives a wonderful cooling feeling doesn't it?" She asked, referring to the paste. "It is an old trick that my mother taught me. Trade secret I'm afraid. Same for the drink."

He nodded stiffly. She gave him a sad smile, understanding that it was hard for him to move.

"Drink it occasionally," she informed him. "I'll be back later to make more. Behave."

Carvings of Gods | Emmett Cullen [1]Where stories live. Discover now