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Sitting in Emily's kitchen in one of the boys shirts, Aleida waited patiently for Embry to return while Emily brushed her hair.

After she and Embry had managed to free her hair of twigs and leaves, the boy had announced that he was needed for patrol, and that he wouldn't be gone for long.

Feeling a soft hand placed on her shoulder, she turns to look behind her. Emily looked at her with a small smile and a question on her lips.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" she asked.

"No dear, I was just wondering what you were thinking of."

Aleida smiles softly.

"I was stuck in a thought I guess, I was simply wondering on when Embry and the others will return," she admits softly. "It has been a while since I have been around so many people and felt this comfortable."

Perhaps it was only her imagination playing tricks on her, but she felt like she had been here before, like she was meant to be here.

Perhaps it was the way she felt like there was a million things she was meant to do here, or the she felt welcomed.

Regardless of the reason, she would be sad to leave.

"They'll be home soon most likely," she said passively. "They think one of the boys will be shifting soon. They're watching him closely."

"What boy? How many have shifted so far?"

"Well there's Sam, Paul and Jared," she states thoughtfully. "Then there was Embry and Jake."

Aleida nods along. She could only place a face to three of them. Jake and Jared the two she has yet to meet, she wonders which was one of the boy from this morning. The incredibly confused one.

"I would like to meet them all before I leave," Aleida tells her.

Emily's small smile slips, saddened by the girls words.

"You have to leave?" Emily asked quietly, almost a whisper.

"There's a million things I haven't done," Aleida replies in the same tone.

"Maybe you can stay for a while."

Aleida spun towards the door at the sound of the boys voice.

She never planned for anyone else to hear of the conversation but its no big deal if they did. It was simply on the more personal side.

Embry looked at her with an almost child-like expression. He didn't understand why, but the thought of her leaving and him never seeing her again was unimaginable.

Emily felt the same way, Sam could tell just by the look in her eyes that his imprint wanted the girl her and cared for.

Lifting a curious eyebrow, Aleida regarded the people around her, the area around her.

There was enough wooded are, enough pure earth that she would feel comfortable, but she feared that if she stayed long enough she was start to view herself as one of there own. That she would form bonds and connections that would tie her to the land.

Aleida feared she wouldn't remember how to act normal or civil around these new faces in her life.

She really should have left, but she wanted to stay.

"Let's say I do stay," she begins hesitantly. "Will I be free to roam the land as I please?"

Embry was the first to react, "yes, of course! I'll give you a tour and everything!"

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