Chapter 1

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Haru's POV

I sat there in my tub. For no good reason. I leaned my head against the edge of the tub and sighed.
'My last year at Iwatobi is almost over' I thought.
I hunkered down in the water so it reached just below my nose. I thought about all my fun times with Makoto, Rei, Nagisa. I gave a slight smile at the thoughts.
'Rin' popped into my head then.
We got into a fight right after the final swim meet last year. After that we never spoke. A few years ago something happened. After that he left and went to Australia. I kind of miss him. When that something happened, our lives changed. He was my best friend. I miss him. I haven't told Makoto.
I heard my house door open and someone calling my name.
"Haru-san? You in here?" I heard a knock at the bathroom for.
"Yah." I said as the door opened.
"Time to go. We have swim practice after school." Makoto said handing me a towel.
"I know." I said getting out.
"This time get out of your swim trunks." he reminded me.
I pulled on a shirt, pants and my Iwatobi jacket. I locked up my house and started walking with Makoto.
"How do you get away with being two hours late for school?"
"I don't know."
"Okay. Oh yah, I found out when the swim meet is." he said excitedly.
"Three weeks from now."
"Great." I said looking down.
"Something wrong?"
"Um. No."

*time skip*

I slipped out of my clothes and into my swim suit. I walk out to the pool and stared at the water.
'Rin. I'm sorry' I thought.
I walked over to the edge of the pool. I quietly thought about how much I will miss being at Iwatobi. I looked over at where Rin jumped off and we raced.

"Haru-san! Are you even going to swim?" Nagisa asked.
"Yah." I said then dove in.

I did my laps and when I finished I noticed Makoto, Rei, and Nagisa talking. I grabbed my towel and water bottle, walking over to them. They immediately stopped talking. I looked at them.

"Is something wrong?"

"Um. No. Not at all." Nagisa said quickly.

I nodded and walked into the locker room. I changed, grabbed my jacket, then walked home. When I got home, I went upstairs to my room to lay down. I closed my eyes and tried to get things off my mind. Soon I was asleep.

Free To Love(RinXHaru)(with some Somako and Regisa)Where stories live. Discover now