Chapter 5

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Rin's POV

I laid down on my bed when I got home from Iwatobi. I missed the school so much. When I looked at the pool, so many memories came back from when I was a kid. I saw Haru and I was for the rest of the day. I miss him so much.

'Forget about him. Its time to move on.' I thought to myself.

Getting up, my phone buzzed. Looking at the message that popped up, I wanted to throw my phone. Sousuke texted me saying he wanted to tell Haru. How the hell did he know!?

Me: get whatever is in your head out!

Sousuke: makoto and I both know. Tell him so you can get off your man period! You lie to yourself about how you feel about him.

Me: Sousuke shut the hell up. You don't know what you're talking about!

Sousuke: fine. Don't believe me. Keep wearing yourself down.

I didn't respond after that. I could stand it. As much as it hurt to admit. Sousuke was right. I am lying to myself. But I still need to move on and face the facts that I was an ass. I hurt the the one I loved. But I need to move on with my life. Sitting up, I run my hand through my hair. I sighed as my door bell rang. Walking to the door, I saw Sousuke and Makoto.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Coming for a visit." Sousuke said.

"Okay. Come in." I said sighing. I honestly didn't want them here but I guess I need some people around.

"So about the meet, can we try to not have anything happen?" Makoto asked "Haru has been...a little stressed lately."

"Yeah sure. What's... What's up with him?" I asked sort of nervously.

"I don't know. He's been really off since last week. He doesn't want to talk about anything. He hasn't been swimming as much either. I'm worried."

"Makoto, maybe he needs some time. The meet is coming up and he's probably just thinking about that." Sousuke said putting his hand on Makoto's knee.

"Maybe." He sighed.

"'s he been?" I asked hanging them both a water bottle.

"Other than being really off, he's been his normal self. I think."


After that it became very quiet. A little bit of chatter here and there. When Sousuke and Makoto left I went back to my room. Grabbing the little stuffed shark I have off my shelf, I laid down with it. Haru got it for me when we went out on a date. I admit that I still sleep with it. I want my Haru back. I miss him. But I bet he got over me and moved on. That's something I'm not sure I'll be able to do.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter and long wait. I didn't have my phone for a while.....long story. I hope you liked it. Please let me know if you have any ideas for the next few chapters.  ;)



Free To Love(RinXHaru)(with some Somako and Regisa)Where stories live. Discover now