Chapter 6

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Haru's Pov

"Rin please. Don't go," I said as Rin packed up his suit case.

"H-haru," he choked out. "I-I can't. We. I need to go now."

"I didn't want this to happen. Please Rin."

"Haru. Stop. Give it up already. It's no use," he said, his voice become solid and harsh.

I didn't say anything after that. All I did was stare at the floor. Silence filled the house. The door slammed making me jump. He had walked out. Just like that. I screwed up some how. I can't even think about what I did. I don't remember.

Trugging to the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. Tired, puffy, red eyes and a tired face. I loved him so much and I ended up screwing everything up by something I don't even know I did. I walked out of the bathroom and out into the street. Seeing people pass, holding hands and smiling, I pulled my hood up. Lonely again.

Passing a cafe, I saw Rin. Sitting at a table with a smile on his face. Across from him, was a girl. A beautiful girl. They're hands touched, and she blushed. It seemed stalker-ish of me but I couldn't help but stare at his smile. It was something I loved a bit more than swimming. I saw him lean to kiss her and I quickly turned. I didn't need to see anymore. He had moved on quickly. It was time for me to also.

Trying to keep the thought out of my head, I walked and walked. I have always been the quiet shy one but around Rin I was able to be sort of outgoing. He made me so happy. But he's happy with someone else. His smile remained planted in my brain and just the thought-

"Haru-san," Fingers snapped in front of my face, snapping me out of my flash back/day dream thing.

"Sorry Makoto," I said grabbing my water from off the table.

"You okay? You just spaced out for a bit. Practice is over," he sighed.

"Oh. Um really?"

"Yeah. Go get changed and we'll walk back to my house."

"Okay," I said getting up.

I realized that I never really get flash backs like this. They occasionally happen on important dates but nothing seems to come to mind about today.

When I walked out of the locker room, Makoto smiled and we walked out of the school. Makoto chattered about the upcoming swim meet and I just kept my head down. Rin was going be there and it could end up a disaster. A week from now, I'm going to be racing someone I was so close to. I hate saying it but, someone who ruined me.

When we arrived at Makoto's house, I noticed Sousuke was there.

"Hey Makoto. Hello Haru," he said.

"Hey Sousuke," Makoto smiled.

I simply nodded. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Sousuke and Makoto cuddled on the couch and I sat on the floor. I didn't mind being on the floor. It seemed more comfortable than the couch. I looked through my phone at old pictures that I know I should delete. When I scrolled onto a certain picture, I had to hold back tears. Rin and I were at the amusement park that came around every three years. Someone took the picture of us on the Ferris wheel. We were holding hands with my head on his shoulder. The biggest smile, rested on his face. He was so relaxed. At the moment, I didn't care about a thing in the world besides him. I thought nothing could ruin that perfect night and week. But I was wrong.

I decided to go home earlier than planned. I was stressed and I just need to sleep. When I got to my door, I went to unlock it but the door was already unlocked. Carefully opening the door, I turned on the lights. Not seeing anyone there, I walked into the kitchen to check. Again no one. I placed my bag on my counter and walked up to my room.

As I opened my door, someone embraced me in a large hug. Their arms wrapped tightly around me. They sniffled and then started to cry. After getting over my bit of shock, I saw the messy red hair I've missed for forever. His beautiful ruby red eyes met mine. Tears spilled over like a waterfall over a shattered dam. He looked deep into my eyes as my own eyes started to water. I thought it was a dream but as he grabbed my face and my tears fell , I realized it wasn't. His soft lips met mine and I melted. 


Well. This is a new chapter. I hope you really liked it. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with school and finals. I have two more days until I get out of school and I  promise I'll update. Let me know if you want me to put anything in the story.

Bye for now!!!😋

Free To Love(RinXHaru)(with some Somako and Regisa)Where stories live. Discover now