0.9 - donuts

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"I know I just met him, but he means a lot to me too, he's one of the only people I've got and I would appreciate it if you woke up, for him."


It's been a few weeks since my dad was in an accident. He's still in his hospital bed, in a comma.

Ever since that day, I would go less to the coffee shop and place my priorities on my father. But that didn't mean I saw Ariana less.

She would visit everyday as well, and she'd always be the one to go home late. One time, I caught her sitting beside his bed with her tiny hand on his while she spoke.

Today, I would be visiting him again. I felt the same. So vulnerable and fragile. And each day I felt that, Ariana would try and do the smallest things to make me smile.

She had asked me if it was alright for me to drop by and get her at the coffee shop so I could travel with her to the hospital, so here I was, patiently waiting for her to exit.

From a distance, I could see her tiny figure skating across the space, a cup of coffee and a box of what seemed like donuts gripped on her palms.

I honked the car to let her know I was outside as she quickly set her apron down. Cathrina then hurriedly placed on her apron and ran to the kitchen.

I stepped out of the car to open the door for her — her smiling at me, gesturing that she was thankful as she slips in the vehicle. "Here's some coffee. I made it myself.", she grins as she hands me the cup that used to be on her hand.

Setting it aside, I drove to the hospital, the only music heard were her fingernails that were swiftly tapping in a small tune against the window.

"Harry!", I saw my mom with tears in her eyes as she comes to hug me after we both exit the car. The cup of coffee that was in my hand dropped as she did so, making a small pool.

"Your dad, he's awake!", I felt the side of my lips quirk up as I ran inside the building with my mom. I felt guilt drop down on my stomach once I remember I had left Ariana outside with a coffee-stained shirt. "Mum, wait..", I ran back down, not bothering to take the elevator as I spot Ariana at the side, the box of donuts on the floor as she tries to rub off the huge amount of coffee splatters on her top.

"I'm so sorry.", I picked up the box of donuts as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pacing inside. "It's okay, it's alright! Your dad's awake, Harry. I could have made it up there by myself.", she rubs on my back as she excuses herself to the loo.

I set the box of donuts down on the table, telling mum and Gemma they were from Ariana as I greeted my dad with a big bear hug. "Dad, I thought you wouldn't wake up, and I just.. you're here now, and I'm so thankful.", I grin, not letting go as the hug went on.

I heard footsteps walk in the room before a small voice speaks up, "I hope you guys like the donuts I brought. I personally picked out all of those." I heard mum thank Ariana as I notice a look on dad's face.

"That voice..", my dad peeks his head to the side to see Ariana, his eyes growing wide as he smiles. "You.", he points at her as she stands still in complete shock, also quite dumbfounded. "Your voice, your the girl.. The lady who stays here, comes home late and talks to me each night."

Ariana's cheeks heat up as she plays with the soft ends of her fingernails, her hair drooping down to her face as she nods meekly.

The grin on my face grows wider, my dimples popping as I think about it. Taking in my father's words, I realize how thoughtful Ariana has been, and how much of a dick I was to her. Ariana stays every night to talk to my dad, and when she speaks to me, I completely ignore her. I instantly felt the sense of ickyness run though my body.

I had to apologize to her.


After our small reunion, the doctor calls us out, being told that he needed to run some more tests before my dad could go.

"Mrs. Styles? Your husband is doing well, he seems stable now and I can safely say that he can be released tomorrow."

Mum jumped in excitement as she took us all in a hug, before the doctor taps on her shoulder.

"He is allowed visitors, you can go in and speak to him.", the doctor nods as we walk in, seeing my dad with the biggest smile on his face, a donut in his mouth as he stares at us. "Delicious donuts, um, I didn't catch your name.", my dad tells Ariana as she politely shakes his hand, speaking of her name. "Ah, Ariana. How would you like to join us for dinner tomorrow? If it's alright for you, honey? Gem? Harry?"

"Oh, you don't know how much Harry would love that, dad.", Gemma chuckles as I nudge her side, her glaring at me as she winces. "That hurt!", she shoves me as I stick my tongue at her. "You deserved it."

"Of course, it would be lovely if you would be able to join us for dinner tomorrow, sweetie. And, maybe you could bring us more of those donuts?", Ariana moves her head back and forth as a shy smile paints on her lips. "Um, Ariana, can I talk to you for a second?", I question as I hear Gemma wiggle her eyebrows as she starts to coo and tease. "Sure.", she tugs on her jacket as we exit the room.

"I'm really sorry for how I acted the last couple of weeks. And I was thinking, if maybe I could make it up to you?"

"You guys are already making it up to me by inviting me over for dinner tomorrow, Harry. And honestly, I understand. It's not easy to think you'd lose your father."

"I meant like, make it up without my family or Bee? Like I mean, you and me, maybe next week. Or I, um, it's just, maybe, asking, meifyouwouldlikdtogoonadate or you know something friendly.", I stuttered, running a hand through my hair nervously as a giggle escapes her lips.

"Sure, why not?", I felt my insides start to dance as I had landed a — date? I wasn't sure, but it was something. "And maybe I could take you to see one of the shows of Alex and Sierra?", I suggest, remembering their album that was neatly placed on the side table of her room when I visited. "Oh my gosh, you like them too? I just really love their music and how in love they are with each other."

Wow, visiting her house sure did the trick for me.

After that, I recall her going home because Beatrice had called, and me happily skipping to my dad's room, telling them all about her.

"Finally had the guts to ask her out?", Gemma smirks as I lifts an eyebrow. I nod proudly as I dance around goofily making my mum and dad laugh.


Dad had convinced us to go home so here we are now, in our home, Mittens patiently waiting by the door as I pick her up, also telling her about everything that had happened today.

"So, I had finally asked Ariana out. We haven't made a proper schedule, but it'll work out.", Mittens meowed in response as she makes herself comfortable on the side of my pillow.

I grabbed one of Ariana's donuts, and had soon fallen asleep with an idiotic grin plastered on my face.


it's been 84 yeARS



so i'm finally giving y'all some hariana action :-)

comment what u thought and tell me ur favorite part and what you think would happen toMORROW ON THEIR FAMILY DINNER DATE

also pls fav if u liked/loved ;-) it !!!

i love u all and thank u for reading this book


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