Mystic Falls? What?

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Flashforward to present when Klaus comes into the Vampire Diaries. Sorry didnt have any ideas for all that time but I will make up for it... I can not wait to write about the story with the Originals placed in the setting of the present day show... Oooh the drama that will come with that... 

Jane POV 

"So..." I finally broke the silence.. Klaus looked over at me annoyed. "Why are you looking at me like that? I'm trying to break the silence." He laughed. "Darling you havent stopped talking since we left." I crossed my arms and sighed. " Where are we going anyways?" I turned and looked out the window. "Well love were headed back home. I have a lovely plan.." I was suspicious as to what that plan but I had a plan of my own and I am glad were going straight where I needed to go.. "Nik, have you ever thought about being a dad? You know you, me, and our daughter or son?" He laughed. "Well I did before my father changed us. Why?"  I looked to see we had stopped at a gas station. "What if I told you I knew someone who could help us have a kid?" He began to get out but right before he shut the door he leaned in and said "Well love I have a plan to complete then we will talk about possibly a kid.." I smirked. I had my plan and we would complete it before his timing. I sat back in my seat and soon drifted off asleep. 



I was sitting at a oh so familar bar with someone who became a close friend. This friend had just told me that someone could help me have a child. Because I was immortal my ability to have a child  would not succeed the natural way. I smiled. I could actually have a child. She told me I needed to find a Bennett witch. Of course I had heard a line of Bennet witches have been in Mystic Falls. I had actually met one that was Katerinas maid. But I was scared to tell Klaus.. I wasn't sure how he would react.. I hugged Gloria and left to go back to Nik. 

"Love were home." I got out and grabbed my bags. "Nik can I go to that grill we saw coming in?" I asked with a puppy dog face. He nodded. I took the keys from him and went to the grill. As soon as I got there I went straight to the bar. The bartender came over and I  asked for bourbon. I was sitting there drinking until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and was taken back at who was standing in front of me. "That's my bar sto-" I embraced him in a hug before he could say another word.
"Damon Salvatore." I said as I pulled back. "Jane?" I nodded. "The person I wanted to see. I need your help with something." He spoke as he smirked. "What do you mean?" "Well Klaus is after Elena, Stefan's new girlfriend actually I believed they just entered." He turned around. I followed his gaze and saw Stefan and a girl who looked just like Katherine. I got up and walked over to the two. Stefan smiled but when I looked to this girl she looked scared. "Hello Jane. This is Elena." I smirked. "Well she sure is a dead ringer for Katherine. Wait you are the doppelganger." Realization hit me she was what I needed. "Wait why am I protecting you from Klaus?" I had not realized how scared Elena looked. "Well Klaus needs her blood to become a hybrid." Wait I thought he was hybrid like me. Then I remembered Klaus needed her blood to create more like us. "He already is hybrid thought" Damon nodded. "But in order to activate his werewolf side he needs every drop of Elenas blood." Then how would he create more? "But he needs her blood to create more like him." Both of the Salvatore brothers nodded. "Yes but either way he needs all of her blood." Well so do I so how does that work... How am I gonna convince my husband that having a kid is more important than him activating his Hybrid side and creating more.. This is going to be hard..
There y'all go! Two chapters in 1 day! Enjoy! Short I know.. starting next chapter.

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