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At this moment I was headed to the Salvatore’s. Klaus and I discussed the plan and the first step was on my half. I had to apologize to Damon. I raised my hand to knock but at the moment my hand would have hit the door Elena opened it.

“What are you doing here.”  Instead of her asking a question it came out more of a rude statement.

“Calm your horses, I’m not here for you. Now where is Damon?” She stepped back and crossed her arms.

“Why? So you can hurt him again?” I turned my head to the side.

“How did you know about that?” She laughed.  Wait… she laughed.

“So figured it out yet?” Then it hit me. This was Katherine.

“Where is Elena? And why are you here?” I questioned her.

“Well you know, I straightened my hair…Stefan figured it out but Damon has been so down lately that he still has no idea.” A voice came up behind her.

“Well I do now.” I smirked.

“Then where is Elena?”

“She has been coming and going , I have just hid when she comes.” I still was confused about why she was here.

“You know Klaus is in town?” She nodded.

“Well of course that’s why I have acted like Elena. Like when he came by the other day that was me.. Elena actually knows where Stefan has the bodies.. I don’t.. That’s actually how Stefan figured out..”


“Well I told her, ‘You put on a good show’ and of course she had no idea what I meant. But Elena does.” I sighed.

“Well Damon can I speak to you alone please?” I put on a fake smile.

“Yeah I guess” I nodded and shuffled my feet as Stefan and Katherine left.

“Damon, I know you probably wont forgive me but please hear me out. I’m sorry for what I had done to you and Klaus. This whole mess is my fault..” He smiled.

“But.. I need to apologize on behalf of all me and my husband have done.” He nodded and opened up his arms for a hug. I hugged him and smirked. This wasn’t real because I couldn’t come around him and hold my self together like this but this was the first step. He invited me in and when we entered I giggled.

“Doppelgänger against doppelgänger I see…” Katherine laughed but Elena looked pretty mad. I backed off remembering the plan involved me befriending the group and being on Elena’s bad side meant I was on the whole groups bad side.

“Elena can I speak to you alone..?” She nodded I turned and went onto the front porch. I walked out towards the woods next to the Salvatore’s house and could hear Elena following. “Where are we going?” I ignored her because it was an obvious question I’m walking towards the woods where else would we be going.

“Why did you need to talk to me?

“Just cause Elena, I just want to get out of hearing range of your boy toys..”

I heard her stop.

Elena POV

“What do you mean out of hearing range?” I asked. I still had no idea where we were going.

“You sure do ask a lot of questions.” She laughed and turned to look at me.

“I think I have the right to because an Original Vampire is taking me off in the woods somewhere out of hearing range probably to kill me. Now answer that question yourself, do I have the right to ask questions?” She laughed. But honestly I was pissed.

“Ok, ok we can stop here but kudos to trying to sound mean saying that. But what I brought you out here for is to apologize but I know with the Salvatore’s around they would influence you on whether or not you would forgive me. Excuse me for trying to be a little like dear Elijah.”

“Forgive you? Really you believe I should forgive you? You are nothing like Elijah in fact you are worse than Klaus. I would rather deal with him than you."
"No because trust me if you were dealing with Klaus your head would be across the woods by now. Now I know you believe that I don't deserve forgiveness but please."
"Why do you want my forgiveness anyways."
"Because if I'm going to let you.. I mean if we're going to live in the same town I prefer not to have enemies." I sighed as we talked through all that happened and she apologized. I actually saw the nice side of Jane Mikaleson come out but convincing the Salvatore brothers would be difficult especially Stefan.

There you go guys! Two chapters in one day and I'm starting the next one right now! Thanks for reading but PLEASE OH PLEASE COMMENT on what you think about the story so far! I would greatly appreciate it! VOTE too! Let's get past 100 votes!

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