Is It Over Yet?

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Weeks have passed since we had arrived. I knew Klaus' plan and the Salvatores plan. Klaus knew they had a plan and had a plan he wouldn't tell me. The Salvatore brothers had the plan for me to find a way to let Elena die but for her to come back. I told them in order to keep her alive I needed some her blood for what I had planned. Things have been awkward for me and Damon so our plan has been really only between me, Elena, and Stefan. I had spoken to a witch friend of Klaus' and she gave me a exlir for Elena to drink. My deal would be to get a pint of blood for the exlir. I had no problem getting it. Time had passed and the day had arrived. I woke up and rolled over to find Klaus was gone. I was actually confused where he could have gone this early. I got up and headed to the grill for coffee. I went to the bar to find that the restaurant was actually not quite full. I heard the door open and someone walk over to the bar. I picked up my coffee and to my surprise the person sat beside me. "Elijah?" I smiled. I went in to give him a hug and he returned it but to my surprise he took this chance to dagger me. I felt the darkness consume me.
Elijah POV
I looked at the limp Jane in my arms. The others plan which involved killing Niklaus. I was taken back when they had acknowledged Jane was part of the plan. I was shocked because we all made a promise as family forever to protect each other. I picked her up and took her back to a tunnel I remembered me and Klaus explored as kids. I continued with my plan.
Stefan POV
"We can run Elena, you don't have to do this." I picked my hand up and held her cheek.
"Stefan, he will come after me, anyways I have the exlir from Jane. I drunk it a while ago I will be fine." I didn't completely trust Jane for some reason and not 100% Elijah either. I kissed Elena. "Elena I'm gonna go downstairs Jane should be here in a little while so should Elijah" She nodded and I went on down stairs and decided to sit and wait. It wasn't long before Elijah came in. He sat across from me. We started to discuss the plan once more. I was hoping Jane would show up soon.
Elena POV
I watched as Stefan walked out. I was actually going to die tonight. "But I would come back... right? what if the exlir Jane gave me wasn't real?" I spoke softly to myself as I pushed my hair behind my ear and sat on the bed. "Exactly what I was thinking." I nearly had a heart attack as I watched Damon cross the room to my side. "You know there is a way to guarantee you come back"He smirked. I shook my head and looked away. He bit in his arm and put it in my face. I scooted away and got up. He got up also and followed me all the way until I was cornered by the wall. "Damon I don't want to become a vampire and if I take your blood the exlir won't work." I became to continuously shake my head. "I know Jane. She has plan just like Klaus she needed your blood for it and since she's got that she could probably care less if you are alive Elena. Drink it!" He forced his arm into my mouth. It tasted gross. I began to cry. Damon just took my chance of living a human life.
Klaus POV
I had left really early to gather the things for tonight. I left Jane asleep. She looked peaceful. The day had gone by pretty fast considering I spent most of it convincing a witch to help. I had the werewolf. I didn't have a vampire but I knew for sure I would have the doppelganger. I had decided since I needed the Ripper for the near future that I could spice things up and use the last person they would expect. Elena's friend from school, Rachel. Oh what a surprise it would be for her to arrive and find an innocent being on her behalf. I was on my way to the Salvatore boarding house to pick Elena up. I had went back home to look for Jane but she wasn't there. I had not seen her all day. I arrived and walked to the door. I knocked and was surprised to find Elijah answer. "Well hello brother." I figured they had undaggered him but how did they know where to find him.. Well I guess I will save the questions for later. "I need precious Elena. I would also like to know where my dear Jane is." I looked to Damon. "I have not seen her all day." I had no time to look for her I'm sure she is fine. Elena crossed the room with Stefan following close. I put my hand out for her to grab as we headed to where the ritual will occur. As I got out I rushed to her side and knocked her out. I continued over to the witch. I had the wolf knocked out to my left and Rachel to my right and Elena in front of me. It was on cue when both the werewolf and Rachel woke up. The werewolf got up as if she was going to change but then began to scream. I was by her side in a second. "Oh dear see my witch over there." I turned to point to the witch. "She has slowed your transformation process down so at this moment you feel the pain of changing but it doesn't end til you change. To bad you will be dead before then" She jumped up at me anyways but a ring of fire surrounded her. I ran over Rachel's side as she woke up. "Um, haha what am I doing out here?" Then she remembered what I had done. "Rachel?" I hear the one voice I was waiting for."Elena?" She gasped. I looked into her eyes. "Stay here." She nodded. I raced over to Elena side. I grabbed her face in my hands. "What is she doing here Klaus? Rachel has done nothing. Let her go!" Elena spoke trying to be confident. I smirked "Well..." I raced back to Rachels side. "I need a vampire of course."
Elena POV
Vampire. She wasn't one then I watched as Klaus bit his wrist and shoved it down her throat. I hollered out and thank goodness Stefan walked out. "Klaus use me as the vampire. Let the human go." I watched as Klaus smirked and went to Stefans side. I immediately took my chance to go over to Rachel. She was crying. She probably had no idea what was about to happen.  "Rachel" I spoke through tears as we both cried. "If he changes you, you will be strong and fast. The minute he comes over to your speed over to his witch and bite her neck." She nodded. I stopped to look back at Klaus to see that he had just stabbed Stefan. "No!" He stabbed him in the stomach but it still hurt me to see him hurt. Klaus pushed me back as he crossed over to Rachel. I jumped up to run to her side but a ring of fire surrounded me. I looked over to Stefan as he mouthed. "I'm sorry." I looked back to Rachel ans watched as he snapped her neck. I dropped as a pain in my heart took over. I knew she would awake but I couldn't get to her. I felt like this was my fault. I watched as he took no time with the werewolf. He pulled her heart out and squeezed the blood into a bowl near the witch. Rachel gasped. Klaus was already making his way back over to her. The witch let the fire down and Rachel looked to me. I nodded and watched as she attacked the witch but before I could alert her Klaus ripped her heart out. He did the same to it as he did the werewolf. I dropped my eyes to a now lifeless Rachel and dropped. I began to cry. I had no noticed Klaus was already at my side. He grabbed me and bit into my neck. I felt numb. I didn't feel the pain from the bite. I looked over to find Stefan screaming my name trying to get up. I caught a glimpse of Damon and Elijah. The plan was to kill Klaus in his transition. I felt the darkness take over and  and death consume me.
There is another chapter hope you like it! Since Jane isn't here right now I figured the different POVs would be fun to write about! VOTE OR COMMENT!

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