What has happened to me?

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Hey guys! So really I'm bored and its only 9 o'clock so I figured hey! why not continue writing. I am so excited about this book! So I hope you like it!


Jonathon POV ( finally someone else POV, hahaha!)

I watched as Elijah dropped to the ground. By the time I turned around, Mikael had already made a move towards my precious Rebekah. Rebekah and I were a couple since day one but she really didn't tell anyone other than my sister. He picked the knife up and shoved it into my sweet Rebekah's heart. I could feel the tears, I was on the verge of crying. My wolf side was trying to come out. I ran over to kiss Beka one last time before I left. I ran down stairs and had ran outside. My parents were on a deck maybe a little bit less than a mile from me. I had no idea what was going on. Your probably asking yourself what does he mean wolf side well my family are all werewolves. But my mom had a friend who was a werewolf. She  helped my family keep their werewolf in control to where we could only use it when wanted too. I ran over to what was going on and once I got through the crowd I paused. They were hanging my parents but why? I looked around and saw Esther watching me. I ran to where she was. " What have you done to your children and my sister?"

"I have completed a spell to make them immortal. Don't worry they will return but as for your parents.." I turned to look at them and the guys behind them kicked the board and they both dropped but still hung. Mother looked over to me and mouthed 'I love you and your sister' and my father did the same. Mother started to cough and the tears welled up, I walked behind the deck and punched the tree holding it and it snapped. I had broken it. I ran in hopes that I had saved my parents. People started to gather around but I was too late. I ran. I transformed to go faster in hopes that Esther was right.

Rebekah POV

UGGHHH! My head is pounding! I jerked up! I started to replay what happened I looked around the room and watched as all my brothers rose. We were dead? We are still alive though? "Were immortal!" I screamed and started to cry and at that moment the door swung open to my bedroom. I looked up in fear it was father but it was the love of my life! Jona is alive!

" Your alive! Esther was right!" he spoke so fast I barely understood him but I hugged him. I couldn't believe he escaped. I held onto him tight. I remembered that we had planned to tell the others about our relationship at dinner so my brothers didn't know. I was getting strange looks but I didn't care. " I love you and now we can get married like we promised! At that moment I heard Klaus gasp. I hadn't even noticed he wasn't awake.

Klaus POV

AHHHHH! Why do I have such a bad headache! Jane! I looked over and there she was. She looked lifeless I picked her up and held her in my arms. She's not dead! She will be up any second now. It felt like forever before I heard the familiar sweet voice. " Nik? What's wrong with me?"

"Your fine my love! It's me! No one will never hurt you again I promise! Look at me.." I said as I gently picked her head up to face me. I pecked her lips but she wanted more she pulled my head down into a long kiss. I chuckled. We stopped right as the door swung in, I grabbed Jane and held her close to my chest. Mother walked in with a smile. " My kids! It's lovely to see you all again! How do you feel? Is your head pounding? Are you hungry?" If I wasn't holding Jane,Esther would be dead. Father walked in with a young innocent Village woman. This woman wasn't just a village woman to Rebekah and Jane because they both raised up and questioned at the same time "Annabelle?" The girl threw her head up and she look over too the two girls with a pleading look. Mikael threw her down too Elijah and Kol. "Drink" He hollered. Jane jumped and hid her face in my chest. Rebekah did the same with Jonathon. Then Finn was next. He didn't have to be asked he did what they wanted. 'Mommy's little boy has to obey daddy or mommy gets mad.' I can't stand Finn and once I kill mother for what she has done him and father will die. I hadn't even realized father slapped Rebekah and dragged her to where he mouth was next to Anna's arm. She looked over to Jane and looked like she couldn't help it. She didn't get much. He through Anna to Jane. She was crying into my shirt. " She either drinks or dies Niklaus!" I heard mother say. I wasn't losing her again and I guess she didn't want to lose me because she looked at me and half smiled then crawled to Anna. She looked into Anna's eyes and said "You will be fine I promise!"

Jane POV

I knew what I had to do! I had a plan. I looked up at her and then to Mikael. "Can I give her one last hug before she goes?" I looked at him with the eyes I always got my way with. He felt sympathy for me, really? "Thank you!" I reached over and pulled Anna in for a hug and whispered " Bite my neck" She paused and started to cry so that when she did it they didn't notice how hard it was for her. It stung like a needle I knew with just a pinch I could save her. I remembered Aryanna the witch speaking with Esther about what it would be like for us. Dying with Vampire blood in your system changes you. I just didn't think it would happen to us. I reached back and pulled Nik in so he could drink some but this time Mikael screamed " Drink till you kill!" He looked back at me with an apologetic look but with a smile that said 'I know what you did'. He ended up killing her. Rebekah, Jonathon, Nik, and I stayed back to " give our sympathy for her death" I had planned to tell them what I did so that when she awoke we would kill Esther and Mikael for what they did to us and then run. She shot up and gasped. Then I remembered she needs blood. " Jona will you please offer a little of blood to Anna?" He looked at me like I was crazy but when he looked at Rebekah she gave him and hurt look. He ended up agreeing. She drank and we stopped her. We walked out. Anna walked. Standing outside was Elijah, Kol, Finn, and Esther. I sped over too Esther and ripped her heart out. " Love, and her definition of love are different!" I walked back over to Nik. " That's my girl!" Nik said and pecked me on the head. Finn hated me now but I think he did to begin with but it's fine Sage and his girlfriend are leaving to go across seas soon. I pulled Jonathon over and look at him " Where are our parents?" I asked with seriousness and before the words came out of his mouth I looked behind him to see two tombstones in the distance. I ran in hopes it wasn't my parents but when I arrived the two rocks read:

Mary Williams Jack Williams

I sat on the ground on my knees and put my head in my hands. I felt arms around me. " GO AWAY JONA!" I screamed "Honey, it's me Niklaus don't worry.." Don't worry? Really Nik! Don't worry! My parents are dead!" I hollered as I buried my face in his chest. " They were killed by the village. My wife did what was right and killed them! They were wolves! A werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire. They would have killed you two if they got out of control!" I turned around and looked at the last person I wanted to see.

" You know Mikael, your really brave showing your face! See if you actually paid attention! My whole family were werewolves.." " Your a hyy--" He spoke with fear. " Yes I am a hybrid and so is Nik. I became one when I killed your wife and Nik became one when you forced Anna on him. Oh, before I forget by the way, Anna please step out!" As told, Anna stepped out from behind Kol. " You turned her?" Mikael asked " Well of course. I'm going to be nice which is funny since I'm in such a bad mood. I suggest you run." I turned to Nik. " Wow! I had no idea you had such a temper, so why did you let him go?" " Because If I'm going to be alive for eternity, might as well have something to do!" I smiled as I grabbed Nik and ran to catch up with the others. I can already tell My life as an Original is going to be worthwhile!


So guys I have just wrote the first two chapters for you in one day! Yeah I'm tired, but hey! upside is I am moving along in this book. So far I have finished my early years... sad... I know but hey the next couple parts will be about Jane meeting the Salvatores and Katherine! Yay! By the way in my book since I did later years, Katherine will be a vampire, she is going to be changed by Elijah a little after the others leave. Then Jane will end up back in Mystic Falls. While she will be in Mystic Falls the other originals will be spread out and go visit other parts of the world on Original duties! hahaha interesting! So your probably or probably not wondering what's gonna happen to Jona well he got old and died... No Just Kidding! I Well it's sad we have lost ESTHER, MARY, AND JACK:( But we gained new Character Annabelle though even though she did die! Her and Rebekah and Jane are like best friends in this book!:) gotta love em'!  I will update soon!

Much Love,


My life as an Original(TVD fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now