1 day before the outbreak (afternoon)

19 2 3

"Well what the fuck do we do know then?" Shaun says.

No one replies, no one was talking. I couldn't take my eyes off the corpse of Jonathan, it was horrible. How could Eddie just shoot his own son like that?

Will stands up and closes the blinds to the back garden so I can't see out, he's obviously seen me looking out.

"He has to go." Shaun announces pointing at Eddie.

My dad looks at them, he's probably thinking of a solution but he's taking a decade.

"I did what I had to." Eddie responds.

"You just killed your son that's not what you had to do." Will tells him.

"Do you not realise when those things bite you, there is no going back, your one of them, you're dead. So you have to kill the victim the same way as you kill the monster, in the head." Eddie gives us all a lecture.

William sits back down.

I look at Grace and she looks as if she's going to throw up.

"He's right." My dad proclaims.

"Dad?!" Will says shocked at what he just said.

"What? When you get bit by one of those, things, you turn into one of them, you're practically dead anyway." Dad responds.

Maybe he's right, it did say it on the news report.

Nobody says anything else.

"Is there anything else on the news?" My mom asks.

Shaun and my dad look at each other then we all walk into the living room. Lottie, Grace's mum holds Grace's hand and Will walks in front of me making sure I'm okay.

My dad pushes the on button on the TV but nothing happens.

"Why isn't it turning on?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." My dad replies whilst he keeps clicking the button.

Then all of a sudden all the lights turn off.

"Is it a power cut?" Grace asks.


"Get down!"

The light above us smashes. Before the glass falls, Will grabs me and pushes me to the floor and he covers my head with his.


A bit of time passes.

"It's done, is anyone hurt?" My dad asks everyone. Will gets up.

"Are you ok?" He asks me.

"Yes I'm fine, are you?" I reply.

He nods.

"Help us!" I hear Jonathan's mum, Angela, shout.

I can hardly see anything it's dark outside and with no light inside, it's useless.

"Where are you?" Shaun asks.

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