3 days before the outbreak

35 2 0

Our house has been split. Our parents aren't talking to Will and I, and we are not talking to them. What is happening to us?

Will and I went to school this morning just like yesterday, no talking. Swearing. Lots of swearing. We checked the bush again but it didn't move so Will threw a rock at it.

Nothing happened. We went to school then came home later.

"We need to go food shopping." My mum tells Will and I, I see my dad behind her not looking too good.

I look at Will and he doesn't look like he is prepared to answer.

"OK." I reply to my mom.

Next thing I know we are all in the car. Together.

"So how was school?" My mom asks Will and I.

"Fine, I guess." I reply, we both turn to Will who is staring at the floor.

"Shit." Will says just before I turn back around.

I look at him, disappointed.

He can tell I'm annoyed with him but he doesn't show any sign of compassion, he's still staring at the floor.

My mum turns around and looks foward whilst my dad drives us to the supermarket.

I turn my attention to a car driving next to us, there was a mom, a dad and a little girl holding a teddy bear who looked terrified.

They go a little bit faster than us and I realise, what was in the boot of the car. Guns.

And lots of them. What I could see was around 6 pistols, 4 shotguns and one hunting rifle. It was a stash alright. But what for?

We speed up a bit and see the mother gripping onto a knife with dear life. What was they so worried about?

I think back to the news report. What if they have seen one of those people with that disease, they might be shaken up.

We speed past them and eventually get to the supermarket.

My dad pulls up and as I am about to get out the car, the family I saw in the car next to us, just pulled up next to us in the parking lot.

I zone back to the car and realise everyone has already got out of the car and making their way to the supermarket.

I open the door and see the dad go to the boot and put a pistol in his pocket.

He spots me and approaches me but I run off before he can get to me.

I run as fast as I can to the supermarket and don't look back.

As soon as I get in the supermarket I see everyone run around frantically grabbing all sorts of things off the cabinets, fridges, freezers, draws probably anything they could find. But then after they got the stuff they run staright back out, didn't pay or anything just got out as fast as they can.

I was scanning all over the place with my eyes to find my parents and Will but I couldn't seem to find them.

I hear a ear piercing screech. I quickly jolt my head to see Will has been knocked over by a huge shelf. It came crashing on him like a bulldozer.

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