Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day and I wasn't dreaming about me coming here. Suddenly a voice said,"Morning little hunter." I looked up and Laito was sitting on my bed and said,"That nightgown suits you, if I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to tempt me, little hunter." He said as he started to crawl towards me and I said,"Hey! Get away from me!"

Laito was suddenly shoved out of the way and Ayato said,"Hey! Don't touch what belongs to Oresama." Laito pouted and said,"Ayato you need to share her the little hunter is not all for yourself." Ayato glared at Laito and said,"Mind your own business."

I sighed and I grabbed the two of them by the collars and said,"Knock it off the both of you! I am not any one's property and you can't tell me what to do I am not someone's slave." I said as I threw the both of the out of my room and I said,"And stay out."

"What's going on here?" Reji said as he popped out of nowhere. I said,"Oh hey Reji, these two doppelgangers intruded into my room and they tried to suck my blood." Laito puts his fendora back on his head and said,"It's not our fault your scent is sweet."

"Who cares!" I shouted and then Reji cleared his throat and says,"Enough, Ayato and Laito go downstairs and wait for the rest of us meanwhile you get changed into the uniform." I took the uniform from Reji and he said,"During the day we don't go to outside so you'll have to get used to going to school at night and this uniform is for the vampire hunters, we'll be downstairs waiting for you."

I said,"All right." Laito got closer to me and said,"Need some help with that uniform, little hunter." I punched Laito in the stomach and then he clutched his stomach in pain and I said,"No way!"

Laito clutched his stomach and says,"That's harsh."Reji frowns and says,"Enough, do not be late, Kura." I said,"All right." I said as I closed and locked the door.

As I was getting the changed, I thought to myself,"Now that I think back a little bit my mentor said that there are some night schools that are for vampire hunters like me, I guess I just lucky, I'm grateful that I don't have to be in the same class as one of those blood sucking parasites."

I finished getting changed I headed downstairs and we were on our way to the night school. On the way there I kept taking quick glances at the brothers and I looked out of the window again. I thought to myself,"They maybe brothers but it's obvious that they're on bad terms, goes to show that they're pure-bloods they can be a bit strict and a bit high strong."

Yui looked at me and I said,"What? Have I got something on my face?" Yui's eyes widen and said in a nervous tone,"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." I glared at her and said,"Well stop it." I said as I looked out of the window again and I heard Laito say,"Looks like the little hunter is a loner, just like you Subaru."

Subaru frowned and said,"Shut up! don't lump me together with that-" I glared at him and when he saw my dagger glare he looked away and shut his mouth.

We got to the night school and Reji said,"You're classes are down in this corridor and try not to make too much trouble around here, understand?" I nodded my head and said,"Understood, Reji, see ya." I said as I walked to my first class.

When I got to my class there were only a few people who are vampire hunters or ones in training. I sat down at my desk and then a boy came over and said,"Excuse me, are you the new student?"

I nodded my head and said,"Yeah, name's Kura." The boy says,"Nice to meet you, my name is Takeo Sakamoto, I am the class rep." I shook his hand and said,"Nice to meet you." Just then a girl with a fish tail plait came over and said,"Are you the new girl?"

"Yes I am." I said and then she said,"My name is Sakura, nice to meet you." I then said to her,"I'm Kura, it's nice to meet you as well." I said as she shook hands with mine energetically.  I then said,"Full of energy isn't she?"

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