Chapter 27

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Akira and I arrived back at the Takashi Manor. I was a bit angry that I had to come back here so soon but I don't want to be seen just yet. Akira saw this and said,"I know that look, you didn't want to come back here until you were ready."

"Yeah but I told myself to stop running away and confront my old man but I didn't think I'd come back here so soon." I said as I looked at the Manor.

Akira sighed and said,"You don't have to do this right now if you don't feel ready yet."

I shook my head and said,"No, I still want to go in there but I don't to be seen by that old man yet."

Akira smiled and said,"I understand in that case, let's try this."

Akira knelt down to her knees and then there was a view of the manor and Akira said,"I'm using my teleportation powers to see if I can find the library once we've found it I'll teleport ourselves there."

"I see in other words it's like a 3D map version of the manor but you can actually see the inside of the house as well." I said.

Akira nodded her head and said,"Yes that's right, since you know about this place better than I do point me in the direction where the library is."

I nodded my head and I told Akira where the Library was and once she found it no one was near the restricted area. Once Akira found it we both walked through the portal and we found ourselves in the library. Akira whispered,"I'm surprised that no one comes here."

"Well I used to come in here to do my lessons since I was home schooled since I stopped coming here I highly doubt that anyone comes here now." I whispered back.

When we got to the meta door Akira saw the lock and said,"Well looks like this lock needs a key and since we don't have a key I might as well break it."

I saw Akira and she concentrated her green flames into her palm but I grabbed her wrist and whispered,"Don't do that stupid! if you do that someone might come in here and see the broken and they might go and investigate and we'll be caught for sure."

"I know that I was just kidding," Akira whispered as she cancelled her flames.

You frowned at her and she whispered,"What?"

"You call that joke? I thought you were serious." I whispered.

Akira flicked my forehead and said,"Oh shut up, I'll jut teleport us to the other side."

Akira whispered as she places her hand on my wrist and then we were on the other side of the metal gates. Just when we were about to go and investigate I heard a child laughing and I head someone say,"I'm going to catch you! You little rascal!"

Akira whispered,"Shoot! Someone's coming! Quick hide!"

I hid behind a bookshelf and Akira hid behind one as well. I peeked over the bookshelf and I saw a woman and she was chasing a child. The woman stopped running because she was out of breath and then the child saw the metal gates and said,"Mummy? Why is this a no res-res-"

"Restricted area, sweetie, it's because the Takashi's ancestor had some mysterious secrets that she didn't want to share and after she passed away her lover locked this place up so it'll remain a secret." She said.

She picked up the small child and said,"But I want to see what secrets she had, mummy!"

"Sorry sweet heart you know what your daddy says never ever enter this area under no circumstances, OK?" The woman said as she hugged her child.

I was shocked that she knew about this, I slid down to the floor and I thought to myself,"No way...did my father remarried and had a child with another woman? Is that why he wanted me to come back do badly?"

Just then I heard a familiar voice saying,"Dawn, Lily, where are you my favourite woman?"

"We're in here daddy!" The child called Lily said.

My father came in and he has changed since the last time I saw him. He walked over to the two of them and the woman called Dawn said,"Hello dear, how did it go with work."

"I'll tell you about it later, Lily why don't you go into the kitchen the Chef is making your favourite cookies right now." He said as he smiled and she smiled happily.

Dawn places Lily back down on the ground and then she ran off. Dawn looked back at father and said,"Any luck finding Kura?"

"No, I've sent her some letters already and she still hasn't replied back, I'm starting to think I've lost her for good, if I wasn't suffering from grief and focusing on my work and ignoring my only daughter then she wouldn't have ran away." He said as he lowered his head.

I almost felt bad for him and then Dawn cupped his cheeks and said,"You haven't lost her, I'm sure she'll come round soon until then enjoy being with me and Lily OK?"

He smiled and said,"Lily Takashi, you've always found ways to make me smile."

She giggled and then he wraps his arm around her shoulder and then they both left the Library. Akira came out of hiding and said,"They're gone it's safe to- hey are you OK?"

Akira saw me with my face buried in my hands. I raised my head and said,"Akira, do you think, my father wanted me to come back here just to show me that he's changed and he has started a new family without me?"

Akira looked a bit depressed and she said,"To be honest I have no idea, when I was around that kid's age I lost my parents in the fire so I forgot what it's like to be family but if I were in his shoes, your father knew what he did to you in that past was the biggest mistake of his life so maybe he decided to go for a fresh start by moving on from your mother onto another woman that he cares about and start a family with them as well and then he might try to track you down, I mean did you see his expression? He looks a bit sad that he's unable to see his only daughter since she ran away from home."

Akira explained to me. I looked at her as she sat next to me and I said,"Thanks Akira, I feel a bit better already but I'm still upset that he didn't tell me that he was starting a new family without me, I guess it's my loss huh?"

Akira ruffled my hair and said,"Yeah, look you can worry about that stuff later right we've got this and the founders to deal with as well, you are a vampire hunter and you do want to make the hunters proud of you don't you?"

I smiled and said,"Yeah you're right, let's go."

Akira pulled me back up onto my feet and then we walked down the dark corridors where Kagome-sama's secrets were hidden.


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