Chapter 12

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After being with the Mukamis for a while they were completely different to the Sakamakis. Ruki and the others tend to be on good terms while the Sakamaki brothers are different. I managed to get one or two things from my bedroom from the Sakamaki mansion. I was able to get my school uniform, my art stuff and the letters for my mentor and Ayame. I was in my bedroom writing to Ayame and my mentor letting them know about what's been going and that I'm with the Mukami brothers since I tried to get Yui out of the mansion but they also know about my secret now and they promise that they won't tell any one about as long as  I do as they say.

I was about to leave the mansion to look for some more clues about the founders until someone said,"Hold it! Where do you think you're going?" I turned around and Yuma stood there and I said,"If you must know I'm going to try and find some link to the vampires I'm after."

"Sorry no can do." Yuma said. I frowned and I said,"What?! You can't be serious!?" Yuma got behind me and then he grabbed me the shoulders and then he pushed me away from the front doors and said,"Dead serious, now do as your told and stay put."

I folded my arms as Yuma continued to push me and I said,"This sucks big time." Yuma then says,"Oh shut up and put up with it besides I need you for something anyway." I was confused at that comment and said,"Huh?"

After that little incident with Yuma I was brought to a vegetable garden and when I saw this I said,"Whoa, this looks amazing." Yuma came out with a basket over his shoulder and he said,"Well it is my garden after all, I'm the one who grew them." I looked at him and said,"Really?"

"Yeah, now come on and give me hand." Yuma said as he tossed me a basket and then we got to work. As we picked the vegetables I said,"So you grew all of these?"

"Yeah, even though I'm a vampire I like growing these." He said. I asked him,"Really? I didn't think you guys actually human food and I figured you guys can go on without food." Yuma looked at the cherry tomatoes and said,"That maybe true but back to when I was still in the slums I always grew my own vegetables in case we need them in a emergency." I get what he meant and I said,"In other words, it's another source for food right?"

"Exactly, for a hunter you should knows these things but you were once a rich girl after all what would a spoilt brat like you know about survival anyway." I frowned at that comment and I said,"Hey! Watch it! I was not spoilt I'll have you know."

Yuma smirked at this and said,"Are you sure about that?" I frowned at this and said,"Tch! Why do I even bother?" Yuma chuckled and said,"Temper, temper." I glared at him and said,"Looks who's talking!"

"Hehe, you know you're not so bad once we get used to that attitude of yours." I blushed and said,"Uh! ...Whatever." I adverted my eyes from Yuma. After we picked some of the fruit and vegetables I said,"Whoa, we picked so much of them." I said as I looked at the amount of fruit and vegetables we picked.

"Well like I said, I like to grow them and even though it takes time the results of the hard work always pays off." Yuma says proudly and I said,"I can see that." I then noticed that Yuma had some strawberries and I said,"You know, I can make use some of those strawberries."

"Oh yeah, how so?" Yuma asks me. I said,"Well believe it or not I can make some sweets such as a strawberry tart for example." Yuma came to a halt and then looked at me for a moment. I said,"What?"

"All right!" He suddenly shouted and then he flung over his shoulder luckily I managed to save the basket I was holding. Yuma said,"Let's get back to the house so you can make this strawberry tart."

"OK, but put me down I can walk on my own!" I shouted as I tried to wriggle out of his grip. Yuma said,"Stop squirming and be quiet." I sighed and Yuma continued to walk back to the house. I smiled to myself and I thought to myself,"Hehe, just as I thought, the Mukamis are completely different comparing to the Sakamaki brothers, but I can't let my guard down I know they're different to the Sakamakis but they're still vampires and they might find some ways to suck Yui's blood and maybe mine as well if given the chance."

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