Chapter 35

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It had been a few days since we've dealt with the Tsukinami brothers, I was still recovering in bed after being stabbed by Richter but bottom line I was glad that things were finally back to normal, well sort of. While I was recovering, the five Sakamaki brothers were keeping an eye on me when they were heading to the night school and the Mukami brothers sometimes come over for a visit as well. I hadn't seen Akira for a while since the founders were caught at last but I was glad that she dealing with them.

Ayame was changing the bandages until Kanato came in and he said,"Hello Kura-chan, How are you feeling?" I looked over at him and said,"Still feeling a bit sore but other than that I'm fine OW!" I shouted after Ayame tightens the bandage and she said,"Sorry, it's not too tight is it?" I shook my head for a no and said,"It's not your fault, my wound still hurts me a little." Kanato rests his head on my shoulder and says,"I wish you would get better already, I miss having some of your delicious sweets."

I giggled at his cute reaction and said,"Don't worry Kanato, once I'm all better I'll make some of your favourite deserts and I'll make some for teddy as well." I said as I ruffled his head making him smile. Just then someone shouted,"NEKO-CHAN~!" I frowned and said,"Oh no, not him again." Kou was about to hug me until he was grabbed by the collar and it was Yuma. He said to Kou,"Oi, what did I say about getting excited? Kura is still sore keep you paws off her." Kou pouts and says,"You're no fun Yuma-kun."

Ayame dashes over to Kou and she checks up on him. Kanato and I glared at him and Kanato turns back to me and said,"It got noisy around here, how do you even put up with him?" I looked at Kanato and said,"Trust me Kanato, you don't want to know." Kanato nods his head in agreement and then he said,"I'm gonna go and get you something eat, want some chocolate cake." I nodded my head and the Kanato left the room.

I looked up at Yuma and said,"Hey Yuma, how are you?" Yuma smirked and said,"I'm fine, here I brought some of these for you I picked them from my garden."He said as he places the basket next to my bed and I said,"Thanks Yuma, by the way have you seen Akira recently?" Yuma shakes his head for a no and says,"Nope I haven't seen her since the Founders were caught it's been pretty much quiet around the Mukami Manor." I sighed and said,"Oh bummer, I was hoping I could see her again." Yuma looked at me and said,"Oh? Why?" I said to him,"It's been a while since I've seen her and I wanted to tell her thanks for helping me and Ayame out with the Founders."

Just then someone said,"You can tell me that right now." We all looked around the room and then there was a green light and then Akira popped out of nowhere. She stood up and she wasn't wearing her blue clothing the last time I saw her she was wearing casual clothes.

 She stood up and she wasn't wearing her blue clothing the last time I saw her she was wearing casual clothes

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Akira then said,"Yo, how's it going Kura." I smiled and said,"Akira, it's good to see you." She smiled back and said,"Thanks it's good to see you as well Kura, how you been?" I said to her,"I've been through wore but other than that I'm fine thanks." Just then Kou shouts,"Akira-chan!!"

Kou hugs her tightly and says,"Akira-chan! It's so good to see you!! I missed you so much!!" I was surprised that she didn't get angry she just smiled as Kou rubbed his cheek on hers. Akira then said,"It's good to see you as well, Kou, you're still excited as always." She said as she ruffled his hair. Yuma then said,"Tch! About time you came back Ruki has been miserable since you stayed back in the demon world."

Akira sweat drops and says,"Sorry, ever since the founders were captured the clans from the demon world asked me to send them some written apologises to their people when they showed up that night, trust me my work load increased rapidly since you guys came back to the human world, but now that's finally over I was able to come back here." Ayame then said,"Oh that explains why you haven't been showing up lately."

She said in a slight angry tone. I looked over at Ayame and she looked a bit angry for some reason and I could already see why. Just then Akira said,"Hey, can you guys leave me and Kura alone, I need to talk to her in private." They nodded their heads and they left the room while Ayame clung onto Kou's arm. I shook my head at this and Akira said,"Oh good grief, Ayame really does have a crush on Kou doesn't she." I nodded my head in agreement.


After they left the room I sat down on the bed next to Kura and I said,"Listen, there was also another reason why I haven't been showing up recently, don't get mad but I went back to the Takashi Manor to see how your father, step mother and half sister are doing." Kura looked a bit surprised at this and said,"Really? How are they? Are they all right?"

I nodded my head and I focused my power into my left palm and I showed Kura how they were. The three of them were happy and when I looked at Kura I could see a tear forming in the corner of her eye. I wiped away her tear and said,"Happy that you got to see you father happy again?"

I said as I cancelled my power and she said,"Yeah, Thanks Akira." I giggled and said,"I should be thanking you and Ayame, the both of you have done a great job with the founders if Karl-sama didn't asked you or Ayame for help then the founders wouldn't have been that hard to catch." I said as I ruffled her hair and she said,"Really thanks Akira, like I said before you're so different comparing to the Mukami and the Sakamaki brothers." I smiled and said,"Like I told you from before I'm more self controlled than them."

She then asked me,"By the way, have you seen Ruki yet?" I nodded my head and said,"I have and by the way, don't get shocked, I also have good news." Kura looked a bit surprised and I said,"There's one more reason why I haven't been showing up lately it's because I spoke to Falis about my health and I went to see a doctor in the human world and well.." I pulled out a scan from my pocket and when Kura looked at it she was shocked and she said,"Noway! You're expecting a child!?"

"Sshh!! Yes, but I haven't told Ruki or the others yet think you can keep quiet for a while?" I asked her. Kura nods her head and says,"Of course, I can't believe it, think Ruki will be happy about this?" I thought for a moment and said,"yes, I'm pretty sure he will besides I think he would love to be a father and he'll probably cherish him or her like his father wasn't." Kura understood what I meant and she said,"I understand what you mean, I also know how you feel, you know maybe one day I want to be a mother like how mine was."

I petted her head and said,"Good point, well I should be going now, I still have some good news to give to Ruki and the others." I said as Kura gave me back the baby scan. Before I left Kura said,"And Akira, thanks and congradulations." I smiled back and said,"Thanks, you just get some rest now, see ya." I said as I teleported out of the room.


I laid back down on the bed and I thought to myself,"A kid huh? Akira must be happy I hope Ruki is as well and speaking of which, I'll have to see my old man and my new family members at some point as well other wise Dad will never stop sending me those letters."

I turned on my side and I looked at my mother's photograph and I thought to myself,"Mum, it's about time I went to see my old man and his new family as well, once I've recovered I'm gonna go and see him and I'll decide whether or not to give him a second chance."


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