Chapter 19

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I used my flash-step at full speed. By the time I got to the Mukami manor the lights weren't on meaning that something must've happened. I gritted mt teeth and said,"Crap! I can't be too late!"

I leaped off the branch of the tree and I went through the broken window. When I got inside the living room was trashed there were claw marks and blood on the walls and floors. I looked around with shock on my face and I said,"Hello...Ruki? Yuma? Kou? Azusa? Yui?...Anybody here?"

Just then I heard someone say weakly," that you..?"

I turned around  a wounded Ruki was lying there bleeding. I rushed over to him and I got my healing potion from my pouch and I gave him it. He swallowed it and then his injuries were healed instantly. I helped Ruki sit up and I said,"How are you feeling?"

"A bit better thanks." Ruki said. I asked him,"What happened? Where are Yui and your brothers?"

"When those wolves and the Level Es attacked us we were out numbered I got injured when I protected Azusa but after the wolves disappeared eve came back here for a while." Ruki explained to me. I said,"And then what happened?"

"The wolves came back and so did the Level Es, Azusa took Eve to the underground passageway to the portal to the demon world but she came back to try and help one of us and then the founders appeared took her and my brothers." I then said,"Don't tell me your wounds reopened and then their familiars attacked you huh?"

"Yeah and then they left me to die." Ruki said. I asked him,"Where have they taken them?"

"I don't know but if I had to guess I'd say they must have taken them back to their manor." I gritted my teeth at that comment and I clenched my fist tightly. I said"Crap! I arrived too late those wolves and the Level Es attacked me and Ayame just to buy them some time to get away from the manor."

"It would seem that way." Ruki said. I said to him,"Ruki you think you can get to the demon world?"

"Yeah what are you going to do?" He asked me. I said,"A little rescue mission."

"Are you nuts?! You'll be killed." Ruki said. I them said,"I already told you, I'm a flash-step huntress it'll take more than the founders's familiars and the level Es to catch me."

Ruki looked a bit surprised and then he said,"Geez, you sure can be reckless at times, but all right."

"When you get to the demon world tell Ayame and Akira about what happened." I said as I stood up and when I was about to leave Ruki grabbed my wrist.

I was a bit shocked about this and he said,"There's something else I meant to tell you, before the founders left, Shin said 'the Takashi woman isn't here either' I think they're after you as well."

"But why me? How do they know my real name?" I asked him. He said,"I don't know, but I thought I should warn before you go and rescue them."

"All right, thanks Ruki." I said. Ruki then warned me,"Be careful."

I heard him say before I used my flash-step. I looked around and I was able to find the Tsukinami manor and there was some Level Es guarding the front doors and there was some wolves blocking the way. I thought to myself,"Tch! Well this a problem, I won't be able to get in through the front doors."

I looked at my pistols and I checked how much ammo they had left. I checked my pouch and I felt how many throwing knives I had left as well. I thought to myself,"All right, looks like I still have some ammo left in my guns and I have at least ten throwing knives left and I've got about fifteen slots of pistol ammo left as well I shouldn't go wasting them besides, there might be more of them in side the manor as well I better find another way inside."

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