Chapter 11

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I finished a painting for daddy because today is special to me. I headed into his office and I said,"Look daddy, I finished another masterpiece What do you think?"

"Hmm...I'm busy come back some other time." He said as was too busy with some papers. I looked down sadly and said,"OK, I'll just leave it sitting here so you can look at it later and guess what today is special because-"

Daddy suddenly flung my painting off his desk and shouted,"KURA! I said I was busy! Now get out!"

"Uh, OK, um daddy."I tried to talk to him but he shouted,"I said get out of here and do not disturb me! you pest!"

I ran through the corridors in tears and said,"But daddy! Today is my birthday!!"

Dream ends...


I shot my eyes open and I sat up and I was a panting mess. I looked out of the window and it was dark out I said,"It was just a dream."

"You're finally awake." Someone said.

I turned to look and Ruki was sitting on a chair and he was reading a book. I was about to grab my sword but it wasn't on my waist anymore. I looked around and I was in the living room and Yuma was holding onto my weapons. Ruki said,"While you were out of it we stripped you of your weapons besides that's quite the temper you've got."

"Where's Yui?! You better not have hurt her!" I shouted in a threatening tone. Ruki then says,"Don't worry, she's fine." I got off the couch and I said,"Give me back weapons and then Yui and I are out of here."

"Not happening Sow." Yuma said. I frowned at him and said,"Would stop calling me that!? My name is not Sow! It's Kura-"

"Takashi? Yeah funny thing you should mention your name because you call yourself Iesya but then Ruki calls you Takashi, what's your real name?" Yuma asks me suspiciously. I was shocked that he knew my last name. I glared at Ruki and he said,"Don't worry I haven't told them but you should."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said to them hoping that they thought I was confused. Just then someone said,"There's not much point on lying, Neko-chan." I turned around and Kou was sitting on the couch and I noticed that his right eye was glowing. He said,"My right eye has the ability to tell if you're lying."

I thought to myself,"Crap! I lie my way out of this one if his eye has that ability."

Just then Yui came in and she said,"Kura-chan, are you OK?" Yui asked me and I said,"Yeah I'm fine, I suppose you're curious as to why Ruki called me Takashi huh?" Yui nodded her head and said,"Yeah."

I sighed and said,"All right, the truth is my real is Kura Takashi and I'm Yozo's daughter." Yui then said,"I knew it! I knew your face looked a bit familiar, I remembered seeing an old photo of the Takashi family at one point but I didn't think you were their daughter."

"I WAS their daughter, I've already told about what happened to mother, after she passed away my father ignored me he became a completely different person it was like that for about five years so when I was ten years old I ran away from home in the middle of night." Yuma said,"You what?!"

"I see so that's why you suddenly vanished and I'm also guessing that after you ran away from home you became a hunter?" Ruki said. I then said to them,"Yes, I met my mentor Sai and he took me in his care and trained me to become a hunter I've been with them for six years."

Kou said,"She's not lying, she's telling the truth, I was shocked though I can't believe you were young when you ran away, who else knows about this?" I said to him,"Ayame, Sai, the other hunters and Subaru and you guys as well." Yui looked a bit surprised and said,"Subaru-kun knows as well?"

"Yeah, he promises that he won't breathe a word." I said and then Yuma said,"After you ran away and became a hunter does your old man know that you've become one?"

Yuma asked me. I looked away from them angrily and said,"He does now, honestly I'm surprised he even noticed that I've ran away, I been receiving letters from him my mentor kept sending me since I wasn't at the dorms, my old man is desperate to get me to come home but I refuse to got back to that house, he lost his daughter a long time ago, I am no longer Kura Takashi, it's Kura Ieysa now and I want to keep it that way."

Yui said,"Kura, why didn't you tell us from the start?" I frowned and said,"You really expect me to tell you guys that I'm the daughter of a rich family? I don't think so, I refuse to be a part of that family again." I said as I clenched my fists tightly.

Ruki then said,"Kura, I knew your father was neglecting you but you could have told me what you were planning to do." I glared at Ruki and said,"And do what? You couldn't have helped me back then Ruki besides it's too late now I've become a vampire hunter you and I should be enemies." Yui then said,"But Kura-chan."

I turned to Yui and she said,"When you were living with the Sakamaki brothers, they didn't even laid a finger on you and you didn't even attack them either, you were friendly to them and you cared for them as well-"

"Oh please! You really think just because I was living with them I should be friendly? they lucky enough they weren't my targets once my task is complete I'm long gone." I said a monotone. Yui then said,"Kura-chan? What do you mean?"

"I used to be a kind, understanding and good judge of character in the past but not any more." I said as I grabbed my hand gun and I pointed it at Yuma. I then said,"This is who I am now."

"No! Kura-chan don't!"Yui shouted and then,"*BANG!*" Yuma closed his eyes waiting for the impact but when he opened them I didn't strike him but I left a bullet hole in the wall instead.


 I was shocked at what Kura almost done. I thought to myself,"She really was about to hurt Yuma just now."

Kura puts away her hand gun and said,"Now do you see Yui, when I hunt and kill a vampire I become more ruthless so don't you dare think that I'm naive like you." Eve was shocked by this and then Kou said,"Whoa, the rumours are true you are heartless."

"Hmpf, whatever." She said as she puts her hand gun away.


After I put my gun away Yuma said,"Hey! Were you seriously trying to kill me?!" I looked at him with a smirk and said,"And what if I did try? There's nothing you could do about it if you're dead." Yuma frowned and said,"What did you say?!"

"That's enough Yuma and as for you, since you know about our plan and our location we can't let you leave." i sighed at that comment and said,"I figured you would say that, I wasn't planning on leaving Yui here to you guys."

I said as I grabbed her arm and I pulled her to me and then she hid behind me. I then said,"A bit of warning, if you guys do try and suck her blood, you've got me to answer to." I said as they saw my dark aura. Yuma said,"Is that a death threat? Sow?" He said as he glared at me with a dark aura surrounding him as well. Yuma said as he also gave off a dark aura as well. The others could see the sparks flying between us and then Kou said,"Hehe, looks like things are about to get interesting around here."


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