Chapter 26

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There was a bright light as I walked through the doorway. Once the light finally dimmed I moved my arm out of my eyes and I was at the Takashi Manor. I said,"The Takashi Manor?"

I looked around and everywhere I looked some things were kept the same when I was growing up in the house but I knew somethings were different since this is my Ancestor's time. I was about to open the main doors but then I heard someone singing from the gardens. I walked to the gardens at the back and I saw a familiar figure it was my ancestor, Kagome Takashi.

She was sitting on a stool and she was painting some flower bushes while singing. I walked over to the side so I could look at her face she looked at bit like me and mother it was definitely her all right but she was more beautiful than me and my mother. Just then one of the servants came over and said,"Miss Kagome, you have a visitor."

"Oh! It must be him, tell him I'll be over to see him in a minute." Kagome-sama said as she stood up from her stool and then two male servants came over and they helped to take some of her art stuff away.

I thought to myself,"Kagome-sama has a visitor? is it her lover maybe?"

I followed her and when she walked into the living room a tall man with long white hair stood up and he said,"Kagome-sama, it's an honour to see you again."

He said as he bowed to her. Kagome bowed back and said,"It's always a pleasure to see you again as well, Karl-sama."

My eyes widen at his name I thought to myself,"Karl?! Does she mean, that this guy is THE Karlheinz that Sai told me about?"

The both of them sat down and then Karl-sama said,"Kagome-sama, I came here to ask you if you would like to visit my castle again, you enjoyed it last time my sons loved you to bits when they first met you."

"Of course I would love to see them again, especially little Subaru, he could some attention not even Christa could give him." She said in a concerned tone.

Karl-sama placed his hand on hers and he brought it up to his lips and kissed it. He said,"On that note, I will see you at my castle tomorrow."

He said with a smile which gave me the creeps. Karl stood up and then he bowed to her and he left the room. Suddenly the room got brighter and I quickly covered my eyes. Once the room dimmed I looked around and I wasn't in the Takashi Manor anymore I was at some kind of castle one that I recognised, it was the castle that belongs to Karlheinz-sama.

I walked around and then I saw my ancestor and this time she wasn't wearing her dresses she was wearing a vampire hunter's outfit. I recognised the symbol on her jacket it was the same vampire hunter's symbol on my jacket as well. I thought to myself,"So my ancestor was a vampire hunter too? That's the first time I've seen and heard of this."

Just then three boys that looked so familiar came running over to her and they said in unison,"Kagome!!"

She knelt down to their level and said,"Hello boys."

The little Kanato said,"Kagome did you bring the usual sweets?"

Kagome giggled and said,"Of course how can I forget? Here you go remember to share with your brothers."

She said as she gave her the sweets that she made. Kanato then ran off with them and Laito and Kanato chased after them leaving Kagome-sama laughing. She mumbled,"They're the same as always."

Kagome-sama then walked around the courtyard until she saw little Shu, Reji and a woman with ocean eyes and orange-blondish hair like Shu's. Shu had a puppy in his arms and he walked over to Kagome-sama and said,"Takashi-sama, look what my friend gave me."

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