Chapter 8

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I sat on Subaru's lap, crying my eyes out as he had his arms wrapped around me. He said,"Have you calmed down?" He asked as he moves bits of my fringe out of my face. I looked at him and said, "*Sniff* yeah..." I said as I rested my head on Subaru's shoulder and then he wipes another tear away from my cheek.

I said,"I'm sorry Subaru, I'm supposed to be a strong hunter and here I am sitting here crying my eyes out." Subaru then says,"It's OK, you had those feelings bottled up for a long time, hmpf, I'd expected you to act like this." I looked at him with my eyes still feeling a little teary and I said,"Thanks a lot for listening though I didn't think you were the type to comfort me like this."

"Well, not really, I usually get angry easily and resort to violence but being with you like this is...kinda...nice once in a while..." Subaru said as he blushed and he adverted his eyes. I saw this and laughed a little. Subaru said,"W-what are you laughing at?!"

"Hehehe, sorry, don't get mad but I think it's kinda cute how reacted like that, it's rare for you be bashful like this." I said as I place my hand on top of his and he says,"Well..Like I said...It's kinda nice once in a while.. ..."

He said as he blushed darker which made me smile. I said,"Subaru thank you." Subaur looks at me confused and he says,"For what?" I said,"For listening, I was actually afraid about what you would think about me if you found out that I'm the daughter of the Takashis."

"Like I said, I don't care if you're from a rich family I only care about that you're the Kura that I know so well." He said as Subaru held me tighter. I flung my arms around Subaru's neck and said,"Thank you so much, Subaru."

"Uh!...Not a problem...just don't fling your arms around me like that." Subaru said as he adverted my eyes. Suddenly he scooped me up in his arms and then he held me like a bride. I said,"What are you-?"

"Just hold on tight." Subaru said as he holds me tighter. I said,"OK." I held onto Subaru's neck tighter and then he suddenly started to float upwards and then he flew through the open window. I closed my eyes not wanting to look but then Subaru said,"Oy, open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and then Subaru said,"Look." I looked and I saw a beautiful view of the town. I was both shocked and amazed by the view and I said,"Amazing, I had no idea you can float like this."

"When it's a full moon this is the only time when we vampires get to float like this I figured you would like this view." Subaru says as he looks at the view and I said,"You did this to cheer me up didn't you?"

"Yeah...just don't tell my brothers especially Laito I'll never hear the end of his teasing." He said as he glared at me. I giggled a little and said,"I won't tell if you won't."

"Well, we better get back to the mansion I'll bet Kanato will be wanting some of your homemade desserts." I nodded my head and said,"Yeah." I held onto Subaru tighter and then he teleported back to the mansion. Once we got back like what Subaru said Kanato did want some of my homemade desserts. I made him and the others some chocolate cake and I gave them each a slice. As Kanato ate a bit of the chocolate cake he said,"Yum it's so good Kura, you should make these more often."

Ayato stuffed his face with the cake and said,"Yea, I agree with thot." Reji said in a disgust tone and says,"Don't talk with your mouth full Ayato." I said,"Hehe, thanks you guys and Shu."

I kicked his leg and he woke up and said,"Ow! what was that for?!" I glared at him and I said,"I worked so hard to make this so quit dozing off and eat it." Shu sighed and said,"All right no need to get so mad. Shu said in a lazy tone and then he started to eat the cake. Reji said,"I guess that's one way to wake him up."

"Heheh, nice one Kura." Ayato said as he nudged me on the arm as a praise. After everyone left and I cleaned up the dishes (Since I was the one made the cake) I headed back to my room and I opened my drawers and I got the envelope I hid from Ayato.

I opened it and I was right it was from my father and he's still ordering me to leave the vampire hunters and go home and this time it had a cheque. I tore up the cheque and the letter and I flung it in the bin along with the rest of the letters I got from him.


I walked down the hallways and I was helping Yui to the infirmary because those Sakamakis sucked too much of her blood again. Once we got there Reinheart looked at her and said,"Well I can tell you this much, Miss Komori is suffering from anaemia, I recommend that she should get some rest for now, thank so much for bringing her here Miss Kura."

The doctor said. I then said,"Not a problem I wanted to make sure she got here safely." Yui looked at me weakly and she said,"Thanks Kura and I'm sorry about troubling you like this." I petted her head and I said,"Hey it's nothing here have some of these once you're better." I gave her some of my homemade cookies.

I said,"They'll put some more sugar in your blood stream." Yui says weakly,"Thanks Kura." The doctor said,"Miss Kura you can head back to class now I'll take care of things from here."

"All right, see you later Yui." I said as I waved to her.

When I was on my way to class I heard some girls squealing excitedly. I turned to look and there was a boy with blonde hair and mismatched eyes. I could tell he was a vampire but there was something off about him I don't like. I continued to head to class and then I brushed my shoulder off someone and I said,"Sorry."

"Watch where you're going sow." He said as he walked away from me. I was a bit irritated about that nickname. I thought to myself,"Strange, first that blonde haired boy and then that guy who called me 'sow', something weird is off about them they maybe vampires but I get the feeling they aren't pure-bloods."

I walked by a boy with green hair and he had scars all over him for some reason. I knew there was something off about them but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I managed to make it to class and then Sakura came running over and said,"Hey Kura!!"

Sakura came running over to me excitedly and said,"Hey! Did you see him?!"

"Who?" I asked in a confused tone. Sakura said,"Kou Mukami! Isn't he a hottie or what?!" I was still confused and I said,"Who the heck is Kou Mukami?" Someone said,"Oh that's right you don't know him since you're new around here."

Sakamoto came over and he said,"Kou Mukami works as an idol and all of the girls including some of the girls in the hunter classes love him to bits which is annoying." Sakura pouted and said, "It is not annoying! Sakamoto! We can't help it he's so handsome and gorgeous." Sakura said as she placed her hands on her cheeks and she closed her eyes and she dreamily talks about him.

Sakamoto and I stood there dumbfounded as she talked about him. I said,"Does she sometimes act this way when it comes to this Kou person?" Sakamoto scratches his head and he sighs in a disgusted tone and says,"She sometimes acts this way you're forgetting she's like a ball of energy there's no stopping her when she gets excited." I then said,"I can tell."

I said as I shook my head. When the classes started I thought about those people I saw. Little did I know that they were going to show up again the next night and they were targeting Yui.


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