Part 6: Lockdown

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Pov: Chekov

I sit there on the exam table patiently as Bones stitches Cassie's finger. She hasn't let go of my hand and I don't plan on letting go. I want to ask her out. Maybe I can show her around the ship. It's passed time to turn in from engineering now. Maybe she'll want to have dinner with me. I don't want to get rejected in front of Bones, though...

I never really had luck with girls. I was always the shy quiet type. Only once before have I had the courage to ask a girl out. She was one of the popular girls. She used to pass me cute notes in class and wave at me in the hall, then when I asked her out she and her friends laughed in my face. Apparently she had a boyfriend and was just messing around with me. He was captain of the rugby team, and boy did I become a joke to them. It traveled around the school at warp speed that he gave me a black eye and hung me by shirt collar on the gym door, right next to the girl's locker room.

Going to Starfleet academy was a new start for me. I tried to make a few friends here and there and mainly kept my eyes on the books; not on the girls. I roomed with Sulu there and now he  is my bunk mate and good friend on the Enterprise. Maybe I should ask him for advise too before I make a fool of myself...

Spock and Kirk walk in to med bay and I immediately drop Cassie's hand and she does the same knowingly. Spock walks over to Cassie.

"What happened T'Maire? Are you hurt?"

Cassie rolls her eyes at both her Vulcan name and the obvious answer. "Spock I'll be ok. I just got pricked that's all. Bones and Pavel have been taking care of me."

"Well I suppose I owe the both of them gratitude. Thank you gentlemen for taking care of my sister."

Bones looks confused. "Sister?" He look back and forth between the two. "Right...your blood is blue...but you don't look Vulcan at all!" Cassie pulls her hair back revealing her pointy ears. "Ah...I stand corrected. You have a single physical characteristic of a Vulcan. Besides the blue blood." Bones glances at me with a raised eyebrow, I shrug, and he finishes wrapping the bandage around Cassie's stitches.

"Ok Bones what did I need to see?" Kirk asks.

"This" Bones puts an enlarged image of the device and scale on the screen above his work station. "It seems to be some kind of bug device that's been planted in the wiring system of a panel down in engineering until it became lodged in Cassie's finger. And...we found this blue scale on it. I ran the DNA...its Piscian all right. But they have definitely evolved."

Spock and Kirk look on with interest and concern."so how did it end up here...?" Kirk picks up his communicator "Scotty I need you to come pick something up in med bay and have a look at it now."

Spock speaks up, "I have a theory captain. Just like how Kahn had strong teleporting capabilities after using Mr Scott's formula, what if someone, specifically the Piscians, had the formula as well and used it to beam the device on our ship?"

"But how vould they have zhe formula?" I ask.

There's silence. There's something missing. An important piece of the puzzle. "I have a theory..." Kirk takes his communicator out again "Uhura get me in touch with Commander Yelton NOW."

Scotty walks in "what's this thingamajigger I'm looking at?"

Kirk hands him the Petri dish. "This. I need analysis on it an hour ago."

"Aye sir. I'll com you when it's done." Scotty walks out.

Kirk's communicator beeps and we can hear Uhura on the other end "Captain I have Commander Yelton standing by."

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