Part 7: Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Pov: Cassie

Red flashes. Screaming. Explosions. Running. "Get to the shuttle!!!" Someone shouts.

"Evacuation procedures-" I can hear the ship say before another explosion cuts it off, followed by more screaming.

I run. I just keep running.


Where's Kane?

"KANE?!?!" Then something, probably debris,  hits me over the head n I'm out cold. When I struggle to open my eyes, only minutes must've passed, and I can see someone...or something...gray-blue...maybe silver through the light of the fires....looking for something in the computer system? I try to get up but some debris is over my leg trapping me. It turns around and sees me; then it's gone.

I struggle to get the debris off me to no avail. "Help! Please someone help!"

"It's ok I'm gonna get you out." He says. Kane! He tries to pull the pipe off my leg but it's jammed between another panel. I don't know how he did it, but I was free; the pole almost torn in half. He picks me up and runs to the shuttle. He hands me over to the staff standing by at the entrance.

"Kane what are you doing?! Get on the shuttle!"

"I have to get something!"

"Kane!" I see him run back towards the control and in a blink, he's gone and fire engulfs where he disappeared as another enemy weapon fires. KANE!!!

The shuttle pulls away and I slip under into darkness.


I wake up in a cold sweat gasping. I just had a nightmare about the Caliber. And Kane.

I watched so many people die that night, and I came close as well, but worst of all I watched Kane die. He was one of my best friends. We were in the academy together for engineering. After graduation I was assigned to the Caliber and he was assigned to work on some special weaponry project. Even when he was assigned to the Caliber later, he wouldn't give much information on the project, probably because it got around that the old commander of Starfleet was using it for war.

I'm still shaky and I don't really want to go back to sleep in fear of having the dream again. I walk into my bathroom and splash water on my face. I look in the mirror. I look like I haven't slept in weeks. I sigh and wipe my face on a towel.

I pick up my PADD and see the lockdown is still active. I've barely slept 2 hours. The lockdown should almost be over, right? 2 hours seems sufficient. It wouldn't hurt to walk around.

Even though Pavel is supposed to show me around later, I like the idea of just wandering this deck until I feel sleepy again.

I open my door and step out into the dark hall.


Pov: Chekov

I'm on a strange, yet beautiful planet. There's lots of flowing water; rivers flowing into a pond that splits off into more rivers, some of them into a waterfall around and over a temple-like building.

I can hear the water, but hearing everything like it's far away, although I'm right next to it. I can hear Cassie calling me from far away. I look around but I can't see her. Her calls become more like desperate screams, and then I see her; in the arms of some man holding a phaser to her head. I try to scream for her but only air escapes my lips. I start running towards her, but I don't go anywhere. I reach out for her and the man points his phaser at me. Cassie screams through tears as he pulls the trigger.

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