08| Pancakes.

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Tala's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.
I looked at my phone and saw it was Ely. What does she want this early?
It was 7AM now.

"What do you want this early Ely, it's seven for god sake. "I whispered because I didn't want to wake shawn up who was sleeping out.

" Goodmorning to you too, Tala. "

" Whatever Ely, what do you want? "

Don't you ever think it is okay to talk to Tala without her morning coffee and enough sleep.

" Geez, okay. I was just making sure everything is okay with shawn. Did you guys sleep together? " I can here the eagerness in her voice to know more about what happened.

I decided to fool her a little. Because I'm an evil bitch.

" I don't kiss and tell, Ely. "I smirked at myself.

" Bitch I'm your best friend, rule number one of the bestfriends is to kiss and tell your best friend. " She sounded very annoyed. Now I'm happy.

" I'm really sorry Ely, but I have to go now, I need to get mine and shawn's breakfast ready. " I was actually high five-ing myself right now.

" Tala, I swear to god I'll kill you if you don't get me the juicy parts now! "

" I need to go love, talk to you latter. "

" bitch you-" I hung up.

I let out a laugh at how foolish she is, did she really think I am sleeping with shawn?
But whatever I let her think we are..
I love annoying her.

I decided to change my clothes since I realised I didn't change it yesterday, I was very exhausted.
I put on a pair of leggings and a crop top.

I exited the room and stole a glance at shawn and found him sleeping peacefully on the couch.

He looked like a little kid who was sleeping on the couch because he slept in watching his favourite cartoon.

His eyes were closed, and his lips looked pouty and full. He was sleeping shirtless so I can watch his abbs and damn boy. But his hair is my favourite thing about him, it's so messy and fluffy.

I was about to run my fingers through his hair, It looked so fluffy NOT MY PROBLEM.

note to self :if you wanna get this job, then get your shit together.

I stole a last glance at him taking in his figure and his huge body.

I was thinking about connecting the Internet to my phone now but I don't want to see the fans attacking me right now.

I decided making some pancakes for breakfast would be nice.
I got the milk, egg and everything out to make it.

I was looking for the pan, because you can't make pancakes without a pan.

I looked through the shelves and I can't find them, where did they hide it ughh. I finally found it after some time but it was on a really high shelve.

I standed on my top toes and was reaching for them, I got a hold of it.

Yes, one more inch. I can reach it if I just stretched my legs a little bi-

"Good morning. "I was interpreted by this very angelic voice which made me jump from surprise and fall right on my ass then getting greeted by a very lovely pan falling right on my head.

" What the hell! "I screamed being so frustrated by all of that.

" Oh my god Tala, are you okay? " Shawn ran to my sidea, I was holding into my head. I can hear him trying to contain his laughs but he let them out at the end. I could already feel something trying to get out of my head.

" Yeah, I'm just-ohh that hurt. " I was holding into my head like somone would steal it and run away.

" You know you didn't have to reach to that hight shelve, you could very easily wake me up to get it to you. "

" I could've got it if you didn't just scare me like that. " I slapped him on his chest, he tried to act like it hurt him and he hold his chest.

That boy.

" you're just a clumsy kid. " he smirked at me.

I standed up and said," I'm not clumsy. "

I was getting away before I said," I'm not a kid too. "

I could hear him giggling as I made my way to the living room.

" So, who's going to make the breakfast now?, Am I supposed to do it now? " Shawn said while walking back to me shirtless.

Put a damn shirt already.

"Well yeah, I'm hurt. can't you see?" I said pointing to my head.

"Okay, I'll do something. "

What? Since when he's being that nice? Like he called me cheap just yesterday and now he's making our breakfast?

That weird, I feel there's something happening, should I let it down or should I just ask him?

" Since when you're being that nice?"

Yup, I decided to ask him.

He looked at me from behind the fridge and looked confused, "Huh?" he said while trying to act like he's busy. "what do you mean by that?" he said while chopping the tomatoes.

I knew it, he's hiding something.

"Like yesterday, you were calling me names and fighting with me then suddenly you being all nice? ", I decided to join him in the kitchen, I opened the fridge and got the milk out.

" I'm just making my girlfriend breakfast, Is that too much? ", he said smirking at me and putting the tomatoes in a bowl. He was going to get something from the fridge but I stopped him.

" Shawn, cut the shi t down. What are you trying to do? "

" Breakfast? ", he said holding the pan up and raising his eyebrow at me.


" Listen I just said that you didn't deserve all that, okay? So I decided that we don't have to be complete enemies. We can act like a couple in front of the cameras and then be friends behind the scenes. "

I like that idea, that would make things less awkward between us.

" Okay, but still you changed like in a second after you talked with cameron. "

He looked a little surprised that I saw him. Of course I noticed, I'm not stupid.

" umm,.. " he trailed of scratching his neck," because he put some sense into me and told me you don't have to make things that awkward. ", It sounded like a question.

I didn't want to push it more, but I'll be more careful after.

"So, breakfast?" I asked, faking a smile that he didn't seem to catch because he looked very relieved.


Do you think shawn is hiding anything?

let me know what do you think about this chapter? :))

Mistaken ¦ Shawn Mendes #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now