Rusty Cage- Chapter One

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Stone's head flopped back against the pillows, his hands going under his head. His breath was heavy, and he had a big grin splattered on his face. He felt so pleaded with himself.

Eddie, who laid next to Stone, tried to catch his own breath as well. His neck ached with pain from the way Stone had choked him. He wanted to cuddle into his boyfriends side to try to find some sort of love and affection, but he didn't even bother with it.

"I'm going to shower." Eddie told him, pulling himself out of bed. Stone lit up a cigarette.

Eddie started the water before he got in so it would have time to warm up. His blue eyes looked at his reflection in the mirror. Nausea washed over him. The thought of Stone touching him, kissing him, it made him sick.

The warm water washed over Eddie's skin; cleansing him. He looked down at his feet, getting his dark hair wet. And the memories of what just happened flowed through his mind.

"Get down on the fucking bed." Stone demanded. His hand held a tight grip on Eddie's wrist. So tight it felt as if he were going to snap it in half.

He tossed Eddie down on the bed before he jerked down Eddie's jeans with his boxers. With one hand, Stone pinned Eddie's hands above his head. And with the other, he worked to get his own jeans undone.

"Please, Stone, don't." Eddie pleaded with him quietly. But he knew Stone wasn't going to stop. After being with him for three years, Eddie knew him well.

He felt Stone's tip at his entrance, and he cringed. Without being prepped, without any lube, or a condom, Stone began to push in. Eddie fought so hard to keep the tears back.

"That fucking hurts." Eddie snapped at him. Stone ignored every word he said. He continued to pin Eddie's hands above his head, and with the other hand, he wrapped it around Eddie's neck.

"You know you love that, Eddie. You take it like a fucking whore." Stone said to him through his gritting teeth.

His hand squeezed tighter, and Eddie was finding it difficult to breathe. He closed his eyes, no longer wanting to see Stone above him, moving his body back and forth as he roughly pounded into him.

Eddie took Stone's arm, trying to pull it away. He couldn't hardly breathe anymore. He was surprised that Stone let go. And when he did, Eddie quickly gasped for air.

And when Eddie felt that one awful feeling, that one familiar feeling of Stone releasing inside him, it made his heart sink in his chest.

Eddie started to sob in the shower, his hand cupping his mouth. He just couldn't hold it in any longer. He felt trapped, he felt broken, he just didn't know how to feel. All he wanted, was to actually be loved.

* * *

"You almost got it. Your finger just need to drop down one more string." Chris said before taking Eddie's middle finger and fixing it in the right position.

"But you said my finger went on the second fret on the second string, not the third string." Eddie groaned.

"Oh, I did? Or are you lying to cover up your mistake?" Chris teased. Eddie grinned and looked down at the guitar. He strummed it, and Chris clapped his hands.

"Good job, Vedder. We're making progress." Chris said with a smile.

Eddie strummed the guitar again before moving his fingers into a different position. The only chords he knew so far were the A and D chord.

"Alright, I've had enough today. My fingers are getting sore." Eddie said as he took the guitar off his lap.

As Eddie held the guitar up to Chris, his long sleeve went down, and Chris couldn't help but notice a bruise on his arm. After sitting the guitar down, he took Eddie's arm and rolled his sleeve up, revealing the ugly bruise.

"Fuck, Eddie, what happened to your arm?" Chris asked. It looked as if someone snatched Eddie's wrist.

Eddie looked down at the bruise and bit his lip. "I-I don't know. I must've bumped it against something."

"It doesn't look like you bumped it. Did someone do this to you? Did... Stone do this to you?"

Eddie jerked his arm away and pulled his sleeve back down. "He just got angry with me and grabbed my arm. But it's nothing, it's okay. He didn't mean to."

Chris sighed. He couldn't help but to be concerned over his friend. Almost every time he saw Eddie, he had a new bruise on him somewhere. But this time, was the only time he admitted it was Stone who left the bruise. Chris knew he just couldn't come up with an excuse for this time.

"Why did he get mad at you?"

Eddie shrugged his shoulders. He hated being asked so many questions from Chris. But he knew Chris was trying to be caring, just like the solicitous person he was.

"Listen, I really need to be getting home. It's getting late."

"I'll walk with you." Chris said, getting his jacket. After him and Eddie were both in their jackets, they headed out the door, and Chris walked Eddie home.

* * *

"Before you go, I need to ask you something, and I need you to be completely honest with me." Chris said as they approached Eddie's porch.

"What is it?"

"Stone, he, uh... Does he hit you intentionally?" Chris asked, his voice quiet, just in case Stone was listening from somewhere.

Eddie shook his head. "No. Of course he doesn't, Chris. He didn't even hit me, he just grabbed my wrist. Can you just let it go now, please?"

Chris sighed. "Alright. I just want you to be safe and okay, Eddie. Promise me you're safe to go in there."

Eddie nodded. "I promise. You don't have anything to worry about, Chris. Thank you for walking me home. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Eddie." Chris said before he wrapped his arms around Eddie, giving him a comforting hug.

It was just what Eddie needed. Eddie felt so safe in his strong arms. He just wanted Chris to hold him, but Chris soon pulled away from the hug.

"Goodnight, Chris. Be careful." Eddie said quietly. Then, he walked inside the home he shared with Stone, and Chris went back to his home. 

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