Rusty Cage- Chapter Four

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"I'm sorry that I didn't sing the song with you. I really wanted to, believe me, but-"

"It's alright." Chris interrupted Eddie, giving him a comforting smile. He really did want to sing with Eddie, more than anything, but there was always another time.

The two sat on Chris' roof, looking up at the night sky. Stars shone bright in the sky, and the full moon shone bright as well. Eddie looked so lovely in the moonlight. He always looked so good, and Chris wanted to kiss him, but he knew not to.

Eddie sighed, just enjoying the peacefulness, and Chris' company. He was sick of all the screaming and fighting with Stone, and he was happy to get away from him. Stone was gone to a poker game, and he would be gone for a while.

"Eddie?" Chris said quietly, looking over at him. And Eddie looked over at Chris.

"Yes, Chris?"

"I know you don't want me to bring it up again, but, when I called you the other day, what was going on?"

Eddie sighed and shook his head. "Stone was drunk, and he was being stupid."

Chris knew how Stone was when he was drunk. He was violent, dangerous, and you definitely didn't want to mess with him. Chris cleared his throat before asking another question.

"Did he hurt you?"

Eddie looked back up at the stars. "No, Chris, he didn't. Can we please just... not talk about Stone tonight?"

"Alright, I'm sorry." Chris apologized.

"It's fine." Eddie said before laying down. Chris looked down at him, observing his beautiful features. Stone was so lucky to be with someone as amazing as Eddie.

"What?" Eddie asked, laughing a little. Chris chuckled himself and shook his head.

"Nothing." Chris said quietly before he laid next to Eddie. They were so close, their bodies were almost touching. Chris just wanted to reach out and take Eddie's hand.

"It's getting late," Eddie pointed out. "I'm getting pretty tired."

Chris looked over at him and chuckled. "It's only like ten, and you're tired?"

"I am." Eddie said with a yawn.

"Do you want to stay the night?" Chris asked, hoping Eddie would say yes. He didn't want Eddie to leave. He wanted him to stay longer.

Eddie shook his head. "I would love to, but I should probably be going home. Stone should be back soon."

"You can stay if you want to, Eddie. You can sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep on the couch. I'll take you home in the morning." Chris tried to persuade him.

"Maybe another night." Eddie said, giving Chris his sweet smile. He was so beautiful.

"Will you drive me home?" Eddie asked, slowly pulling himself up. Chris nodded his head as he also sat up.

He helped Eddie crawl back into the window that led to Chris' bedroom. They both got into the car, and Chris drove Eddie home. The ride was quiet, and soon, Eddie had fell asleep in the passenger seat.

Chris pulled up next to Eddie's house before cutting off the car. He was debating on whether or not he should wake Eddie. He looked so adorable sleeping.

Chris smiled, his eyes flicking down to Eddie's lips. They looked so soft and sweet, and Chris was craving for a taste. A sneaky little thought popped into his mind.

He slowly pulled his body closer to Eddie's. Even if it was for a second, Chris wanted to feel Eddie's lips on his. He wanted to see just how soft they were.

His lips got closer and closer, until his mouth was just hovering over top of Eddie's, only inches apart. So bad, he wanted to kiss Eddie, but Chris pulled away. It was just a dumb idea.

"Eddie, come on, wake up." Chris said softly as he shook Eddie from his sleep.

"Huh? O-oh, are we here already?" Eddie asked, stretching his body. Chris chuckled.

"Yeah, we're here. Hey, I'll walk you to your door." Chris said before getting out of the car. Before he could open Eddie's door, Eddie already had it open and was out of the car.

"Thanks for driving me home." Eddie said as they made their way onto Eddie's porch.

"You're welcome." Chris said with a smile. He was a bit hesitant, but he slowly leaned in, and kissed Eddie on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Eddie."

Eddie's heart pounded in his chest. Butterflies flew around in his stomach. His cheeks turned red, but Chris couldn't tell through the darkness. It had been so long since Eddie had felt that way.

"G-goodnight, Chris." Eddie said. He waited until Chris was in his car before going inside him home.

Eddie held to his cheek, replaying what had just happened over and over again in his head. He couldn't believe one simple little kiss on the cheek was making him feel so content.

But he felt as if his happiness was over when Stone came walking down the stairs. He was surprised that Stone didn't make a comment of him coming in so late, but he was even more surprised when Stone wrapped Eddie in his arms, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm so glad to see you." Stone said. Eddie knotted his eyebrows together. He knew something was up.

"That's a surprise."

Stone pulled away from the hug and pecked Eddie on the lips. "We need to have a quick talk. But... I really need you to hear me out, okay?"

"What did you do this time, Stone?"

"Well... In the poker game... I kinda bet more than what I had," Stone began. "And we might be in trouble. Unless, you do something for us. I mean, he's already agreed to it."

"And what's that?"

"I need you to let him fuck you."

Eddie's heart dropped on his chest. No way was he going to let some stranger just fuck him. He couldn't believe Stone would just bet him off to other men like that.

"For us? No, Stone, I'm not getting involved with your gambling shit. You're not just going to bet me off like that."

"Eddie, please, just this one time. If you don't, we're going to be in so much trouble. It's just this one time, I promise."

"No! I'm not doing it, Stone!" Eddie stated, pushing past him to go to his bedroom. But Stone grabbed him.

"No isn't an answer, Eddie. You're going to do this. You have to do this."

"It doesn't bother you at all that someone else is going to be fucking your boyfriend?" Eddie asked, hoping he could some way change Stone's mind. Stone only pressed his lips against Eddie's, kissing him deep. But Eddie pushed him away.

"How could you do something like this, Stone? You just bet me off like I'm a whore to other men. Don't make me do this, please."

"You have to, Eddie. It's going to be alright, I promise. He'll be over tomorrow morning, so, you should be getting some sleep and rest up for him."

So many things Eddie wanted to say to him, but he didn't. Stone was sick, he was just a low bastard, who didn't care for anything or anyone but himself. And Eddie wondered what he ever did see in Stone.

He was nothing. He was no one. He would never be like Chris. Caring, sweet, affectionate, thoughtful, and considerate. Stone was nothing like that.

"I really do, Stone, I hate you." Eddie said before storming up into the bedroom. 

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