Rusty Cage- Chapter Three

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Eddie's blue eyes slowly opened. The room seemed a bit fuzzy, but after blinking a few times, everything was clear. His head was throbbing with pain.

He was now laying on the bed. Naked, cold, and alone. He felt weird inside, and it only took him a second to realize Stone used him while he was completely passed out.

"Why does he do this to me?" Eddie said quietly to himself with a sigh. He felt so angry, he felt so hurt. He wanted to scream, he wanted to bust holes on the walls with his fist, he wanted to cry, he wanted to hurt himself, and he wanted to hurt Stone.

But through it all, Eddie just broke down in tears. He was tired of being used, tired of being hurt and pushed around. But he just couldn't understand why Stone did it to him.

It wasn't always that way. When they first met, Eddie didn't think he could ever meet another person as sweet and caring as Stone. He made Eddie happy. He made him feel like the luckiest man alive.

But when Eddie moved in with Stone, everything changed. At first, he began to force sex on Eddie. And then, he became abusive. All the love between them was gone. Completely gone. But Eddie was too scared to leave.

Eddie didn't want to be alone. He wanted to call someone. He wanted to call Chris and have him come over. But he knew Chris would only be asking more questions, and Eddie hated to lie to him.

Chris was such an amazing person. So sweet, caring, and gentle. Eddie felt so blessed to have met Chris. He was such a good friend.

Eddie slowly pulled himself out of bed, but he had to sit down for a minute. His head was swimming, and his body trembled with weakness. After recovering himself, he fixed a bath.

After the bathtub was full of water, Eddie got in and slowly sank down. He looked down, seeing fresh bruises on his arms and legs.

"I'm so fucking tired of this." Eddie sighed, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath in and slowly blew it out.

* * *

Stone wrapped his arm around Eddie, pulling him closer. Ever since Stone had got home, Eddie hadn't spoke a word to him. He was still so angry at him.

"I love you." Stone said to him. Lies lies lies.

Eddie stayed silent. But what was the point to tell someone you love them, when you really don't?

"What's up with you?" Stone asked.

"What's up with me? Oh, you really have to ask me that?"

"Well, you've been acting like a bitch."

Eddie bit his lip and sighed. He need to calm down. He needed to get out of there. But he didn't even bother. He just exploded.

"I've been acting like a bitch? Wow, well, you know, it's really something when your boyfriend knocks you unconscious, then decides to rape you. You know, it takes a real piece of shit to rape someone. But I guess you're that low, aren't you? You just fucking rape me, and leave, and you tell me you love me? Such a man you are."

Stone punched him across the face, immediately shutting Eddie up. Then, he crawled on Eddie's lap; straddling him. One punch right after another was thrown.

Eddie groaned and whined from the pain. Silently in his head, he prayed to God that it would all stop, that Stone would just disappear, and he wouldn't have to suffer another day like this.

Eventually though, the punches stopped. Stone was still straddling him, his breath heavy, his teeth gritting. His eyes looked as if they were red, he looked evil, he was evil.

"You're going to pay for this one day," Eddie said, his voice shaky. "One morning, you might just wake up, and I'll be gone. What are you going to do then, huh? Who are you going to take all your anger out on then?"

Stone wrapped both hands around Eddie's neck. "You're not leaving me, Eddie. Don't even let that thought come to your pretty little head. You're stuck with me for good. Besides, who else is going to love you, huh? No one, Eddie."

"Get the fuck off me." Eddie spat at him. Stone laughed, but he got off Eddie, laying back in his spot next to Eddie.

"I love you." Stone said to him again.

"I love you, too." Eddie whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.

* * *

Three days later, and Chris still hadn't heard from Eddie. He tried calling, but could never get any answer. And now he was worried. More worried than he had ever been over Eddie.

"Come on, fucking answer the phone." Chris sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Just as he was getting ready to hang up, Eddie's voice was on the other end of the phone.

"Eddie! Fuck I was so worried about you! Why haven't you been answering any of my calls?"

"I'm sorry, I had an accident." Eddie said quietly. His voice was in a whisper. It sounded as if Eddie had been crying.

"An accident? What kind of accident?"

"I-... I have to go." Eddie said. Chris could hear something in the background being smashed into pieces, and Stone screaming.

Chris frowned.

"Eddie, I'm coming over there, okay? I'm going to come and get you." Chris said. It was silent a moment, but Eddie finally spoke.

"No! I mean... I-I'm kinda busy right now. Can you come over later?"

"Are you sure everything is fine over there?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll call you back later." Eddie said. Chris sighed.

"Well... alright. Bye, Eddie."

"Bye, Chris." Eddie said softly before hanging up the phone. Chris couldn't get over how much fear he held in his voice. The way his voice trembled. Chris knew something wasn't right. 

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