Rusty Cage- Chapter Six

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"Oh, great. The power went out." Chris groaned. He was just showing Eddie some things on guitar. Thunder boomed outside and lightening flashed through the night sky, lighting up the dark house for a split second.

Chris reached into his pocket and pulled out his lighter. He lit it up and moved it around, quickly finding Eddie who was standing in front of him.

"Do you see any candles?" Chris asked.

"I can't even see anything." Eddie said, his eyes searching around the dark room. Chris lit his lighter back up, and together they found a few candles.

After they were lit, Eddie and Chris took a seat on the couch and listened as the heavy rain hit the roof. Thunder cracked again, and Eddie jumped a little. Chris chuckled at him, and Eddie playfully pushed him.

Chris looked over at Eddie's smiling face. Eddie was so beautiful just the way he was. And he looked so good in the candlelight. Chris wanted to kiss him. He needed to kiss him. And he was tired of waiting.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Chris said. Eddie blushed, and Chris could tell it this time.

"Well, I don't know about that-"

"You are, Eddie. You're fucking gorgeous. Does Stone tell you that?"

Eddie shook his head. "Not anymore."

"He should be telling you that everyday."

Eddie's smile got wider, and Chris chuckled. He moved himself a little closer to Eddie. His hand went to Eddie's cheek; cupping it. Chris didn't even care what he was doing anymore. He needed to tell Eddie how he felt.

"I'm going to admit something to you," Chris whispered. "I've wanted to kiss you, since the first day I met you."

"Why don't you kiss me then?" Eddie protested. Chris' warm breath caressed Eddie's lips as he leaned ever more closely, his nose brushing against Eddie's.

A little tingle ran through Eddie's body as Chris' moist mouth closed around his lips. The kiss was gentle yet insistent, loving but possessive.

Finally, after waiting so long, Chris was finally feeling Eddie's lips on his. They were just how he imagined. Soft, and sweet, and he was already getting addicted to them.

As Chris swiped his tongue across Eddie's bottom lip, Eddie closed his eyes. There was an edge of urgency about Chris' kiss, a hunger that might suddenly rage out of control, yet strangely tender and sensuous.

Something electrifying ran through both of their bodies. It was like a spark had lit up between them. It was a feeling neither one of them had ever felt for anyone before. It was as if it were meant to be.

Chris gently nibbled on Eddie's bottom lip before slowly pulling away. Eddie inhaled a sharp breath. Then, he climbed on top of Chris, and Chris laid back, wrapping his arms around Eddie's waist as they shared another kiss.

For once, it felt right. Eddie wanted to be kissed and touched by Chris. But when Chris put his hand on Eddie's side, Eddie winced and quickly pulled away, sitting on Chris' lap.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Chris said quickly. Eddie shook his head.

"It wasn't you, Chris."

Chris slowly lifted up Eddie's shirt. It was still dark, but Chris could see the bruise on Eddie's side. An ugly large bruise.

"Oh, Eddie, no," Chris whispered, his fingertips softly tracing over the bruise. "You're not going back over there, Eddie. I'm not letting you go back."

Eddie only stayed silent. He wanted more from Chris. He wanted to kiss, he wanted Chris to touch him. Eddie didn't even care about the bruise. But he was used to it anyway.

"Just forget about it, Chris. It's fine." Eddie promised before he leaned back down, kissing Chris on the lips. So soft and sweet. So hot and tempting.

"Wait," Chris said, pulled Eddie away. "I don't want to move things so fast. I want to have a talk with you."

Eddie nodded his head. Chris pulled himself up and leaned against the couch arm, still allowing Eddie to sit on his lap.

"How long has Stone been hurting you?" Chris asked. Eddie bit his lip. Chris took Eddie's hand and held it.

"About... maybe... two years now." Eddie sighed. Chris shook his head.

"Eddie, that's so long. Why didn't you tell me? The first time he hit you, should've been the last time."

Eddie shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I just didn't want to bother you. I didn't want you to get involved with all of it."

"Did you not trust me enough to tell me?"

"No, Chris. I did trust you. Well, I do still. I did want to tell you, but I was afraid."

"Afraid of what, baby? You don't have to be afraid. You can tell me anything."

"I was just afraid Stone would hurt you," Eddie said, his eyes tearing up. "I-I wanted to tell you so bad, Chris. When you would ask me what happened every time I had a bruise or something, I wanted to tell you so fucking bad."

"Don't cry, Eddie. It's okay. I'm not going to let Stone hurt you anymore. You're safe now." Chris said before he wrapped his arms around Eddie, hugging him tight. Eddie returned the hug, crying on Chris' shoulder.

"I love you so much, Chris." Eddie sobbed.

"I love you, too, Eddie. It's going to be okay. I promise, it's over now." Chris whispered.

"The other night... Stone h-he bet me off in a poker game." Eddie sobbed. Chris' blood boiled even more.

"And he wanted to keep doing it. Just to make himself money. He doesn't even care." Eddie went on. Chris gritted his teeth.

"I think I'm going to go have a talk with him."

"No! Please, Chris, don't." Eddie pleaded. He looked into Chris' eyes. Chris could see the fear in them.

"You can stay right here until I get back. I won't be gone long."

Eddie shook his head. "No, please, don't leave me. Just... please. Don't let him know I told you. Please, Chris."

Chris sighed. "I can't just sit here and let him hit you and bet you off, Eddie. You don't fucking deserve that."

"Please." Eddie said again, this time in a whisper. Chris bit his lip, and agreed, but he knew later he would get Stone.

Eddie sighed and pressed his lips on Chris' again, kissing him softly. The kiss was short, and once it was broken, Eddie laid his head on Chris' shoulder. Chris held him.

"Do you want me like I want you?" Chris asked. Eddie nodded his head.

"Then what are we going to do about Stone?"

Eddie shrugged his shoulders. "I just need some time to break it off with him."

"You don't have to do it alone. I can be there with you, if you need me to."

"I think I need to do it alone. But, it might take some time. I mean, you know how Stone is..." Eddie trailed off.

"Yeah, I understand."

"Do I still get to kiss you?" Eddie asked. Chris chuckled.

"Yeah, you still get to kiss me."

And that's just what Eddie did. 

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