Rusty Cage- Chapter Seven

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"What are you all smiley about?" Stone asked as soon as Eddie walked through the door. He tucked his brown hair behind his ears and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm just... happy to see you." Eddie lied right through his teeth. Stone's eyes searched all up and down Eddie.

"You got fucked."

Eddie rolled his eyes. "You always say that, Stone. Can't we go one night without arguing? You know I would never do that to you."

Eddie faked a sigh. He wanted to laugh, just at the fact that Stone didn't know he was going to soon leave him. That finally he was Chris', and Stone couldn't do anything about that. Because Stone was hopeless, he was pathetic, and he could never be as great as Chris.

"I can tell. You either got fucked, or almost did. Your hair is a mess, your lips are swelled, and you're turned on." Stone stated. Eddie began to think of Chris' lips again. God, how much Eddie craved them. How much Eddie craved his touch. His strong hands grasping Eddie's hips.

"Eddie? Stop biting your lip like that. What the fuck is going on? Are you cheating on me?" Stone snapped. He was getting angry.

"Actually, I ran into Axl." It was the only excuse Eddie could think of.

"Oh. Well, what happened?"

Eddie shrugged his shoulders. "He said that he didn't want you kissing and touching me. He wants me all to himself."

"I'm your boyfriend. I can touch and kiss you whenever I want."

"Guess you should've thought about that before you sold me off," Eddie said, giving Stone an innocent smile. "And he wants me back tomorrow. So, I guess I should be resting up. God, he's just so rough, Stone. Do you know how loud I was screaming? I don't know if I can take him or not."

Stone gritted his teeth. "Maybe I should speak with him."

Eddie shook his head. "He says he doesn't want to be bothered by you. So, if you want your money, I don't think I'd do that."

Stone only stayed silent. Without another word, Eddie climbed the stairs, going to try to sleep. But his mind filled with so many thoughts of Chris, he couldn't sleep.

* * *

"Layne won again." Jerry said, rolling his eyes. Layne pumped his fist in the air in victory. Layne, Jerry, Chris, and Eddie were all playing a board game.

"Aw, don't be a sore loser." Layne teased before he pecked Jerry on the lips. But Jerry was stubborn.

"It's not fair. You always win. I think you're cheating."

Layne crossed his arms. "I'm not cheating, you're just being mean."

"I'm not being mean. I just want to win for once!" Jerry groaned. Layne chuckled and kissed Jerry on the cheek.

"Maybe we should play a different game?" Chris suggested. He took Eddie's hand from underneath the table and held it. He couldn't even let his friends know he was secretly with Eddie. He couldn't risk Stone finding out just yet.

"Nah, me and Layne have to be going. Maybe another time."

"Yeah, we have to babysit for Kurt and Dave." Layne said as he pulled himself out of his chair. Everyone said their goodbyes, and Chris and Eddie were now alone.

Chris cupped Eddie's cheek, and pulled him into a deep, innocent kiss. Eddie instantly melted into him.

"I missed you." Chris sighed. He began to put the board game back together and put the pieces in the box. Eddie helped him.

"I missed you, too."

"Did anything happen last night? Did Stone hit you?"

Eddie shook his head. "No, nothing happened. He was a little suspicious when I first got home, but I think I covered it up pretty good."

Chris smiled. "Good, good. Have you thought about when you're going to break up with him?"

Eddie nodded. "Soon. I just... I need to find the right time."

Chris pecked his lips. "I understand."

Eddie smiled. "Thank you. For being so amazing, and being so patient with me. You really are amazing, Chris. You're so perfect."

"If anyone is perfect, it's you, Eddie."

Eddie blushed. He was so lucky to have Chris. All he needed to do was break things off with Stone. But he could be so dangerous. All Eddie needed was the right time, and he really did hope it was soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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