Rusty Cage- Chapter Five

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"Fuck, Stone didn't tell me you were this hot." The man, by the name of Axl, said to Eddie as Eddie slowly undressed in front of him.

Eddie wore a pair of lace panties, just the like man had requested. He felt disgusted. With every touch, Eddie wanted to just bite his hand off.

"Sit on my lap, baby." The man requested. Eddie swallowed hard, and did as told, straddling the man's lap. He bit his bottom lip and held Eddie's hips.

"Come on, fucking grind against me or something. Don't just sit and wait for me to tell you what to do." Axl impatiently snapped. Eddie flinched a little, and began to move his hips from side to side.

The man grabbed a fistful of Eddie's hair and violently yanked it, pulling Eddie's head back. He hated the way Axl was treating him. He didn't enjoy him being so rough.

"Get on your knees." Was Axl's next request. Eddie hesitantly did as told and got on his knees. Axl undid his jeans before he yanked them down with his boxers.

Eddie couldn't stand the thought of having Axl's dick in his mouth. He couldn't do it, and he wasn't even going to try. Quickly, he jumped up and grabbed his clothes.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I can't do this. Listen, whatever Stone owes you, I'll-I'll pay it back, okay? J-just not this way." Eddie said as he quickly got into his jeans. Axl zipped his jeans back up before standing to his feet.

"The deal was I get to fuck you. There was never any money involved. He bet you right on the table, and I won it, and you do as I say."

"Wh-what?" Eddie asked in disbelief. Before even getting an answer, he took off running.

Axl grabbed him, pulling Eddie into his chest and wrapping a hand around Eddie's throat. He wasn't going to let Eddie go just yet.

"Don't make me force this on you, or hurt you. Just get on the damn bed and let's just get this over with." Axl said to him. Eddie began to cry and beg Axl to let him go.

But Axl wasn't going to listen to him. He threw Eddie down on the bed and undressed him. He won the game fair and square, and he was going to get his prize for it.

* * *

"Such a shame I only get you for one day. God, I hope I win that next game." Axl said with a chuckle as he zipped his jeans up.

Eddie laid on his side, staring blankly at the wall. Axl once again grabbed Eddie's hair and pulled his head back, giving him a deep kiss on the lips.

After Axl decided to pull away, he left, slamming the door behind him. Eddie could hear two voices from outside the door talking, and almost instantly Stone opened the door.

"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Stone asked. Eddie pulled the comforter over his cold body.

"I think I just found a way to make you some money." Stone said with a grin as he laid on the bed next to Eddie.

"Fuck you."

"He loves you, Eddie! So, I made a deal with him."

"You said this was the only time. I'm not letting him do that to me again."

"Well, just think about it, Eddie. He'll give you money to have sex with him. Won't that be fun?"

"How about you let him put his dick up your ass?" Eddie asked as he threw the cover off him. He put on his boxers before going to the bathroom to shower, but Stone followed behind him.

"Come on, baby, do it for us."

"For us? So, what, I let him fuck me, and you get the money for it? No. I'm not doing it."

"Give me one good reason why you shouldn't do it."

Eddie looked at Stone like he was the stupidest person alive. Did he really think Eddie enjoyed doing such things?

"You're my boyfriend, Stone. You shouldn't even be making me do things like this. You really love me, don't you?"

Eddie shut the shower curtain and shook his head. He heard the bathroom door close, and he knew Stone had finally left. And when Eddie was finished with his shower, he was going to see Chris. 

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