Rusty Cage- Chapter Two

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Eddie looked up at Chris, watching him bite his lip and nod his head as his fingers worked on his guitar. He was so good at it, and Eddie knew he could never be as good as Chris. Chris was like a god that came down to earth.

"You're so good at playing." Eddie complimented. Chris smiled.

"Well, you know, once you learn everything, you'll be as good as me." Chris told him. He began to hum as he played his guitar. Eddie began to get lost in his voice.

It was so soothing. His voice was beautiful. And as Eddie continued to look at Chris' face, he realized he was quite beautiful himself. His eyes were such a beautiful blue, and they held so much happiness in them. His long, curly hair matched him perfectly. And his lips, they were so thick. They looked so soft and sweet. Eddie would've done anything to felt them on his.

Eddie blinked, and his cheeks turned red. He couldn't believe he had such a thought about his best friend. He just got so lost.

"Why so quiet all the sudden?" Chris asked, chuckling a little. Eddie shook the thoughts away from his head.

"Nothing. I was just listening to you play." Eddie said with a small smile.

"Listen, I have a really good idea," Chris began. "I know this place and well, it lets bands perform at it. I mean, not the big and famous bands, but like the ones that are just starting out or whatever. And... I was wondering if maybe you'd sing a song with me."

"You want me to sing with you?" Eddie asked, a little surprised that Chris would ask him.

"Well, yeah. Your voice is great, Eddie, and I think it would be really fun. I know you're shy, but, I'll be there with you." Chris said, giving Eddie a pout. Eddie chuckled and pulled his brown hair behind his ear.

"Alright, alright. I'll sing a song with you." Eddie gave in.

Chris grinned. "Good, because I already signed us in. It's not until Saturday though, so we still have three days to practice. Want to start now?"

Eddie looked up at the clock. Stone demanded that Eddie be back home by 3 o'clock, and it was only fifteen minutes till.

"I'm sorry, I can't today. I need to be getting home." Eddie said, quickly getting out of his seat and grabbing his jacket. Chris sat his guitar down and stood up too.

"But you haven't even got to play yet. Why are you in such a big hurry to leave? You just got here."

"I know, I'm sorry. I have to be home in fifteen minutes." Eddie said quickly.

Chris knew something was going on. By the fear in Eddie's eyes, and in his voice, Chris knew something was wrong. He was determined to find out what was going on.

"Eddie, talk to me." Chris said, blocking Eddie's way from getting out of the house.

"Chris, I really need to go." Eddie spoke in a rushed tone.

"Eddie, you always have bruises on you. You always have to be home by a certain time. You look like you haven't slept in days. You sound scared. Is something going on?"

"No, Chris. Nothing is going on. I just-"

"Don't make any excuses this time. Tell me the truth, Eddie, please. I really care about you. If Stone is hurting you, it's okay, you can tell me."

Eddie shook his head. "No."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me Stone isn't hurting you." Chris demanded. Eddie looked him straight in his eyes.

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