Joey rooney x reader

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You have known the rooney's since before liv went to Hollywood. I was best friends with liv and Maddie when we were younger, but when liv moved away you and Maddie drifted apart. You two would hang out occasionally but not as much as it was with the three of you.  Over the years you developed a small crush on Joey.

You watched as Joey and Parker were jousting in the hallway of the school. You walked up to Joey and Parker.

"Hey Joey nice jousting skills," you said giggling.

'Really (y/n) nice jousting skills.'

"Thanks (y/n)," Joey said nonchalantly.

The bell rang and Parker said good bye as he went to robotics class.

"Oh by the way, you looked really cute in that suit," you said walking to your class.

~Joey's POV~

(Y/n) ran to her class as I followed Parker to robotics. Parker stopped right before we we entered class.

"Really munch," Parker said.

"What Parker," I asked him as I walked into class.

"(Y/n) was flirting with you," Parker said sitting down.

"No way," I told him.

The entire class I remembered all the time I talked to (y/n). She would always giggle and mess with her necklace.

~your POV~

You were at your locker when Joey walked up behind you.

"Hey (y/n)," Joey said.

"Hey Joey," you giggles as you played with your necklace.

"Hello (y/n)," Artie said walking up behind Joey.

"What do you want Artie," you said dropping your necklace.

"So I decided  to let you be my partner for the chemistry project," he said.

"Yea maybe next time carrot top," you said closing your locker and walking into the cafeteria.

Joey followed you and sat next to you for lunch.

"So Parker told me the craziest thing today," Joey said.

"Like what," you asked.

"He said you liked me," he said nervously.

"Haha what no," you lied laughing and playing with your necklace.

You shoved a big spoon full of mash potatoes into your mouth and smiled.

"Okay baby kangaroo, maybe I do kinda sorta maybe might have a slightly tiny small minute crush on you," you said playing with your necklace.

"Your playing with your necklace again," liv said sitting down next to you.

"No," you said still playing with it.

"Really," Joey said with a smile.

"Did you finally tell him you liked him," liv asked.

"You knew," Joey asked.

"I was sworn to secrecy," liv said.

"Do you want to go out sometime," Joey asked.

"Yes," you said elated.

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