Max McGrath x Reader

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"Berto, this new game is so cool," max said. 

"thanks amigo i've been working really hard on it," he replied. 

"Let me play. Let me play," steel whined. 

"Steel you don't have hands," max told him. 

"Max, Steel, earth elementor is attacking again," Comander forge said running into berto's lab. 

max put down the game controller and went turbo speed. Before he went to defeat earth elementor sydney and kirby called him. 

"Hey syd, he said answering his phone.

"Berto get cyrto ready incase max needs help," forge ordered.

"Got it sir," berto said running off. 

"Actually syd i gotta wash my cat. Call you later," max said hanging up. 

"Wash your cat," forged asked him.

"Uncle forge, Its hard lying to sydney and kirby," max said hanging his head.

"Actually you just really suck at it," steel quipped. 

"Maybe i can help with that," forge said. "(Y/N)."

You ran into berto's lab and stopped in front of forge. 

"I was kinda busy. I was beating Jefferson in a food eating contest," you said crossing your arms. 

"Who is this," max asked. 

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)," you said holding your hand out. 

"Max (y/n) is a going to help you lie," forge said. 

"Wait what," you turned to forge. "I am way over qualified to do that." 

"Even girls who have to like you don't," steel laughed.

You were about to tell forge off when he ran out of the room and left you there with max. 

"Hi," max said awkwardly. 

"Hey," you replied nonchalantly. "Don't you have a town to save." 

"Oh yea," he said speeding off. 

~time skip~ 

"I don't want to go to school," you groaned. 

"Funny, max needs to keep his secret and you need to keep this job," forge said. 

"I hate you," you said grabbing your new backpack. 

"Here," jefferson said handing you a brown paper bag. 

"You made my lunch," you looked at him unamused.

"Have a fun day at school sweetheart," Jefferson said messing up your hair. 

"I can hurt you," you said slapping his hand. 

You walked out of the room and into Berto's lab. He looked at you and smiled. 

"No a word berto," you scorned him. 

"Happy first day of school," he said popping one of he noise makers.

"I need a car," you told him. 

"No problamo chicka," he replied. 

"I gotta get to school Berto," Max said walking into the lab. "Why did you need to see me."

You looked between Max and Berto and scoffed. Steel poped out of Max's back pack and put his arm on your shoulder. 

"School isn't that bad," steel said. 

"Steel you don't even go to school. You spend the entire day on my bag," Max exclaimed. 

You scoffed again and walked out of Berto's lab. Max looked at Berto and steel then chased after you.

"Hey, I know you don't like me but can you just act like you can tolerate me," max said once he he caught up with you. 

"What, I don't hate you, i hate this position i am in. I have to go back to high school after i survived it," you groaned.

"How old are you," max asked. 

"Red alert do not enter never ask that question," steel yelled.

"18," you replied pushing steel away.

"18, that  means you're in college," Max said astounded. 

"Yes well time to go back to high school," you said repositioning your back pack. 

Max lead you to his truck and opened the door for you. steel flew in the truck through the window and "sat" in the back seat. 

"So whats my cover," you asked max once he got into the car. 

"Umm Cover," max asked confused. 

"Yea who am i." 

"um (y/n) new student i guess," max questioned as he started the truck.

"Awesome," you said laying back. 

~time skip~

"hey max who's  that," a blonde girl who i guess is sydney.

"Umm she's a new student," max told his friends

"Im sydney," she said. 

"Im kirby," he said. 

"(y/n)," you introduced yourself. 

~time skip~ 

"So how was your first day," sydney asked. 

"Okay i guess," you sighed.

"Well this is the best part. Going home," kirby said.

"Run," some screamed runing past you guys. 

"ultra links are coming,"

You looked a max and ran off "scared". 

"Guys go hide, I will get (y/n)," max said running after you.  

You turned into an ally and waited for max. 

"that bad of a day," max smiled as he ran into the ally way. 

"Funny, don't you have something important to do," i asked him. 

"Go Turbo: Flight," Max yelled. 

~skip max's awesome battle~

Max flew back and changed back into his normal clothes. You looked at him and smiled. 

"What," he asked. 

"You were amazing. I've never see you fight up close," you said astonished. 

You two walked back towards Sydney and Kirby. Before Sydney could even say a word, max told them that we were both fine. You placed your hand on Max's shoulder and slightly pushed him. 

"Yea thanks to this guy. If he didn't come after me i don't know what would have happened," you said. 

You gave him a hug and whispered in his ear. 'See you back at the base." you grabbed your car keys from your bag and walked to your car telling everyone bye

~max's POV~

"She smells nice," steel said.

"Yea," i replied. 

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