Dump truck x reader

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"Rooney," you heard someone call.
You looked up and saw dump truck walk over too you.

"Hi," you said nerviously.

"I found it," he said handing you (favorite book).

"Awesome, thanks dump truck," you said hugging him in excitement.

"No problem Rooney," he said.

"There are a lot of rooney's but only one me. Call me (y/n),"  you told him as you pushed your hair behind your ear.

"Hey dump truck and (y/n)," liv said with mady by her side.

"Hey the Rooney triples all together," dunp truck said standing up.

"Why do you have to say that every time we are together," mady asked.

"It's fun," he said walking away. "Bye (y/n)."

"Bye dump truck," you said holding the book he gave you tight.

"Omg you like dump truck," liv said sitting next to you.

"I don't know what your talking about," you said opening the book.

"Nope," mady said taking the book from your hands. "You are not going to hide in a book."

"I'm gonna help you tell dump truck how you feel," liv said hugging you.

"No you know the rule no metaling in each other's relationship," you told her.

"Fine," liv said holding her hands up.

"Great. Can I have my book back please," you asked mady.

Mady handing you the book and you walked to your next class early so you could read the book.

"(Y/n)," you heard Parker say running into the room.

You closed your book and put it down to see what Parker was freaking out about.

"I need your help," he said sitting in the desk in front of you.

"What is it Parker," you asked him.

"I have to do a oral report on the great gatsby. Have you read it," he asked. "Of course you did.  Please tell me about it.

"Nick Carraway, a young man from Minnesota, moves to New York in the summer of 1922 to learn about the bond business. He rents a house in the West Egg district of Long Island, a wealthy but unfashionable area populated by the new rich, a group who have made their fortunes too recently to have established social connections and who are prone to garish displays of wealth. Nick's next-door neighbor in West Egg is a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby, who lives in a gigantic Gothic mansion and throws extravagant parties every Saturday night.

Nick is unlike the other inhabitants of West Egg—he was educated at Yale and has social connections in East Egg, a fashionable area of Long Island home to the established upper class. Nick drives out to East Egg one evening for dinner with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, and her husband, Tom, an erstwhile classmate of Nick's at Yale. Daisy and Tom introduce Nick to Jordan Baker, a beautiful, cynical young woman with whom Nick begins a romantic relationship. Nick also learns a bit about Daisy and Tom's marriage: Jordan tells him that Tom has a lover, Myrtle Wilson, who lives in the valley of ashes, a gray industrial dumping ground between West Egg and New York City. Not long after this revelation, Nick travels to New York City with Tom and Myrtle. At a vulgar, gaudy party in the apartment that Tom keeps for the affair, Myrtle begins to taunt Tom about Daisy, and Tom responds by breaking her nose.

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