NYU Party (Older Luke Ross X Reader)

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The knock on your apartment door made you jump. you placed your hand over your heart making sure it was still beating. Who ever was at the door, you wanted to kill them but in hindsight it was probably a terrible idea to read a Steven King book by yourself in the pitch blackness of your empty home. wrapping your blanket around you and grabbing the glass cup you were drinking wine from and went to the door. 

"Put the weapon down," you heard your best friend say through  the front door.

"Damn it Luke why did you knock you have a key," you asked him when you opened the door. 

He gave you his famous smirk and walked into your apartment. You book marked your book and placed it on the table next to the couch. You looked for Luke and found him in your fridge grabbing a soda and some leftover chinese food. 

"Hey who said you can have that," you asked him. 

"No one," he said taking a bite of the food.

You sat down next to him and grabbed the fork from his hand. You took a bit of your food and passed the fork back to Luke. 

"Get dressed," he said handing you the fork as he stood up. 

"For what," you asked with your mouth full. 

He grabbed the last of the food from you and finished it. you looked at him as he throw the take out box away. you stood up and walked back to your couch to finish your book. Luke ran in front of you and took the book. 

"Get dressed we're going out," luke told you. 

"No i dont feel like it luke," you said trying to get your book back. 

"Well too bad your going or im going to take the bookmark out," he threatened you. 

You gave him a death glare but knowing he would actually do it you threw a couch pillow and him and went upstairs to change. You grabbed some leather pants and a glittery golden tank top. matching it with some black heels and curling your (h/l) (h/c) to complete the look you headed back downstairs 


"Where are we going," You asked standing behind luke. 

He turned around and just stared at you. you self consciously started pulling on your hair. Luke walked closer to you took your hands. 

"You look amazing," he said pulling your to the door before  you could change his mind. 

Luke grabbed your coat and purse from the table by the front door and pulled you out of your apartment. once you two are out the apartment, luke locked the door and lead you to the limo that waiting outside the building.  

"Luke," you said excitingly. 

"We are going to a club," he said opening the limo door for you.

You looked at him and wanted to go back up to your apartment but knew he would stop you. Luke put is hand on your back as he opened the limo door for you. Luke has been your best friend since elementary school. He always forced you to all of the parties. So it wasn't a big deal but for some reason this party was different. It didn't take long to get to the club. Luke got out and opened the door for you. 

"What are we here? What is so important about tonight," you asked him and the both of your walked past the bouncer and into the club. 

"There is no reason. I heard about this party and thought it would be fun if we went" he said directly into your ear so you could hear him over the music. 

You reluctantly agreed and he pulled you to the dance floor. the floor was packed with dozens of drunk people. people kept bumping into you which caused you to bump into Luke. some one ended up spilling there drink on Luke. He went to the bathroom to clean up and left you on the dance floor, which you were fine with. You didn't want Luke so see that you didn't want to be here. It wasn't that you weren't having fun your were. It was just you weren't in a party mood. 

"Hey babe," you heard someone drunkenly slur. 

You turned around and saw some drunk guy and his friends eyeing you up and down. You gave them a small smile and started to walk to the bar. They followed you and sat next to you at the bar. You ordered (favorite alcoholic drink) and tried to ignore them. 

"whats a girl like you doing all alone," one of the drunken guys asked. 

You knew the best thing to do was to ignore them so you did. the guys kept getting closer to til Luke came up and just pushed past them to get to you. 

"Hey," he said before kissing you on the lips. 

"Hey," you replied blushing as red as a tomato. 

Luke just grabbed your hand and you were going to get away from these guys. just as you walked past them one of the guys grabbed your ass. You grabbed his hand and twisted it til you heard a small crack. You let him go and looked at the other guys. They just helped their buddy up and walked the other way. 

"Are you okay," Luke asked you. 

"Yea but what was that kiss," you asked him. 

"You looked like you were in trouble i figured that if they thought you had a boyfriend they would leave you alone but i was wrong," Luke explained. 

You looked at your best friend and kissed him back. you looked at him and saw his cheeks turning red. 

"What was that for," he asked. 

"Thank you for trying to save me," you told him.

You both were over this party and decided to go back to your place for a movie. Luke opened the limo door for you and slid in after you. You could tell Luke was about to say something so you looked up at him but was taken aback when he kissed you again. He pulled you on his lap and pulled you closer to him to deepen the kiss. You pulled back for and and just looked at him. You could see the worry on his face that he ruined the amazing friendship y'all had. You pulled your hair to one said and pressed your lips against his again.  

"Can we just skip the movie," he asked you when you both needed air. 

You looked and him and just started laughing. You got off his lap and sat next to him with your head on his shoulder and his arms around you. 

"Only if your buying food," you replied with a smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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