Max Magrath X Reader

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"Hey max," you called to you best friend. 

"Hey (y/n)," he said waiting for you outside of school. 

you ran over to him and gave him a small shove. He shoved you back and you both walked into history class. You two took your seats next to each other. The teacher walked in but before class even started you felt the ground shake. Everyone ran to the window and you was a giant monster made of fire. the fire monster was coming straight towards the school. you turned around to look for max and saw him just standing there. 

"Max come on we have to go," you said grabbing his hand running out of the room. 

Everyone followed you into the hallway just as the fire monster crashed into the wall of your history class. the monster was maybe 10 even 12 feet tall. you felt like a little ant next to it. 

"where is Max Steel," the fire monster asked. 

He threw fire balls at everybody. one was heading your way but Max pushed you out of the way. The fire ball hit the wall behind you causing some of the wall to come crumbling down blocking your view of Max. 

"Max!!!!! are you okay," you called through the rocks.

"Im fine, im going to go get help. dont do anything stupid,"  he responded. 

everyone ran to the gym and locked the door once everyone in the school was there. 

"where is Max Magrath," your teacher asked you. 

"We got separated and he went to go get help. 

The fire monster came crashing into the gym from the ceiling. He was throwing fire balls everywhere. one was coming towards you again. right when the fire ball was going to hit you, you were whooshed away. you looked at who saved you and you saw Max Steel. 

"Thanks Max Steel," you said  thankfully.

"no problem, stay here and dont do anything stupid,' he said before fighting the fire monster.

'dont do anything stupid,' you thought about how max had just told you that ten minutes ago. 

"Max," you said to yourself.

you stood there in awe of the fact that your best friend was a superhero. you suddenly felt something really hot hit your arm. you looked over and saw that the fire monster threw a fire ball and it hit your arm burning you. 

"Ow," you cried in pain. 

Max looked back at the scream seeing you in pain and turned back the the fire monster. 

"Go Turbo Strength," max yelled. 

His suit suddenly got big like it grew muscles. He ran to the monster and punched it making it fly far from the school. his suit got small again and he ran to you.

"Are you okay," he asked you.

"My arm is on fire," you said in pain. 

A flying robot came out of his chest and looked at your wound. 

"Its a first degree burn, but your arm is not on fire," the robot said. 

"Thanks," you told the robot. 

the robot went back into max's chest and they both ran off.  you tried to stop them but them but they were gone. you looked around the room and saw that is was a total mess. there  were scorch marks everywhere and multiple holes in the wall from the fight. 

"(y/n)," you heard max call. 

"Max," you replied. 

he ran up to you and gave you a hug. he stopped and noticed the burn on your arm. 

"Are you okay," he asked acting surprise. 

"Yea im fine," you told him. 

You really wanted to tell your best friend that you know that he is Max Steel but you knew that he didnt tell you for a reason and maybe that he will tell you when he is ready. 

~max pov~

i heard her scream in pain. i turned around and saw that she was hurt. i turned the the fire elementor and went turbo strength. I ran to him and punched him so hard it sent him far from the school. i ran to her to check on how bad she was hurt. Steel said it wasnt bad so we left to find the elementor. 

"You should tell her," steel said. 

"You know i cant. if i tell her our secret she will be in danger," i told steel.

"I meant tell her that you LIKE her," steel said like he was in kendergarden. 

I finally found the fire elementor but so did N-Tek. Once i saw that N-Tek had everything handled i went back to (y/n). 

"So are you going to tell her you like her," Steel asked as i saw you when i got back to the gym.

"Soon," i replied. 

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