ravi ross x reader

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"mom i dont want to go to camp," you complained on the car ride to camp Kikiwaka

"too bad. your father and i think this will be good for you. you spend too much time reading and watching movies," mom told you.

"how can my chances of being kill and buried in the woods be good for me," you exclaimed.

"point taken, you wont die and you will have fun," she said as she passed a sign saying 'Camp Kikiwaka'

"its not too late to turn around," you told her.

"yes it is. ive already paid the nice lady running the camp," mom said as she stopped the car.

she got out and opened the trunk and placed your bags on the ground. you sat in the car not wanting to get out. mom walked over to your door and tried to open the door.

"unlock the door (y/n)," you mom ordered.

"no," you replied.

"You do realize i hvae to keys so i can do this," she told you as she unlocked the car.

"im still not getting out of this car," you said stubbornly.

your mother looked at you and grabbed you and threw you over her shoulder. she put you on the ground and ran back to the car.

"remember we love you," she screamed as she drove away.

"i hate you," you replied.

you grabbed your bags and walked into camp. you stopped when you aw a little boy sitting on the side of the road.

"omg are you okay," you asked him.

"yea, im waiting for my mom to pick me up," the little boy said shaking.

"here take this," you said handing him your blanket. "if your still here by dinner time ill bring you some food."

"thank you," the boy said.

"your welcome," you replied.

you walked into camp and saw a huge lawn with a fire pit in the middle. you placed your bags on the ground and sat on them.

"hi," a girl with brown hair in pigtails.

"hi,' you replied.

"You must be the new camper. I'm Lou," she said with a smile.

"(Y/n)," you told her.

"Emma come meet (y/n)," Lou shouted at a blonde haired girl.

"Hi I'm Emma Ross," a blonde said running over.

All is the sudden a giant dinosaur cam walking up behind Emma. Some girls walking by ran away screaming. You sat on the ground and the dragon slithered over to you and sat in your lap. 

" hey dinosaur," you said petting it. 

"Mrs. Kipling you can just run away because you have more chocolate covered crickets," a boy called walking towards Emma.

The boy stopped when he saw you with Mrs. Kipling in your lap.

"I'm sorry about mrs. Kipling," he said kneeling in front of you. 

"Nah it's okay. This dinosaur is pretty cool," you said looking at him. 

"She's actually.....," he started to say. 

"An Asian water monitor lizard," you two said in unison. 

"Yes I know I just think having a dinosaur as a friend is cooler," you told him. 

"Yes I guess it is," he said getting up. "I'm Ravi Ross."

"(Y/n) (l/n)," you replied. 

"We should get going. Mrs. Kipling needs to be walked every 8 hours," Ravi said getting mrs. Kipling off your lap. 

"Maybe I could join you too on one of the walks." You said setting up. 

"Yes that would be fun," Ravi replied. 

"Now I just need to fins woodchuck cabin," you said looking at a piece of paper in your hand. 

"We're in that cabin. I'll show youths way," Lou said grabbing some one your things. 

"Okay  bye Ravi," you waved to him. 

Ravi's pov

"Ravi she just asked you out," Emma told me.

"Please Emma I'm not gullible anymore you can't trick me," I told her turning to start my walk with mrs. Kipling. 

"Ravi she likes you," Emma told me. 

"Not buying is Emma. Return it to the store," I said laughing at my own joke. 

Your POV

"Maybe this camp won't be so bad," you said making your bed. 

"It's really awesome," Lou said. 

~time skip~

After three weeks at camp kikwaka you and Ravi became best friends. You and Mrs. Kipling were BFF. You would wake up some nights with her in your bed. The first couple of time Ravi woke up freaking out. When you told him mrs. Kipling slept in your bed he was upset with her for scaring him like that. 

"Again mrs. Kipling," you groaned when you saw her in you bed this morning. 

"Just be happy she doesn't think you shoes are treats," Emma said getting out of bed. 

There was a knock on the door. You just knew it was Ravi looking for mrs. Kipling. You got up and Kipling followed. 

"Morning Ravi," you said opening the door. 

"Let's go mrs. Kipling, you will see (y/n) at breakfast," Ravi said picking up Kipling. "I'm sorry about mrs. Kipling. She doesn't listen to me sometimes."

"No it's fine Ravi, dragon is awesome," you said smiling.

"um (y/n) would you like to eat breakfast with me," ravi asked rubbing his neck.

"sure," you replied grabbing his hand. 

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