adventure (Genie X reader)

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"So Genie what are you gonna do with your freedom," you asked your new friend.

"What ever i want," he said excitedly

"You've been stuck in that lamp for 10,000 years you should travel," you advised him. 

He looked like he was thinking it over and then a smile appeared on his face. he picked you up and spun you around. 

"Thank you," he said. 

"It was just an idea," you said bashfully. 

"Come with me," he asked you once he put you down. 

you stood still. you did like genie but he is a magical being and your just a street rat. your cheeks started to turn red. Genie was the first person besides Ali to be nice to you. Before you could answer, Ali took genie  and Jasmine walked up to you and gave you a smile. 

"Whats with your face (y/n)," she asked pointing at your red cheeks. 

"Genie asked me to travel the world with him," you said with a shaky voice. 

"And," she asked nudging you. 

"Im a street rat," you said playing with your hair. 

"You are a hero," she said hugging you. 

"Ali did all the work," you told her. 

Jasmine looked at you and gave you a disappointed look. he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the balcony to look at the stars. you looked up and just stared at the stars. 

"You are not just a street rat. ive seen the way you look at genie. Go with him. have fun," she said as Ali walked out to the balcony. 

"there you are," Ali said hugging us both. 

"(y/n) is going to travel the world with genie," Jasmine said hugging Ali. 

"Thats amazing. You always talked about getting out of Agrabah," Ali said with joy. 

You looked at your best friend and gave him a hug before running after genie. You saw him with some bags walking out of the throne room. you ran up to him and stopped him from walking out. 

"I want to go with you," you said with a smile

"really," he said happily. 

"Yes, i really want to go with you," you told him happily. 

He put down his bag and you ran to him. you wrapped your arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.  He snapped his fingers and the bag disappeared.  

"Lets go," he said snapping his fingers and making a motorcycle appear. 

He got on and gave you a helmet.  you looked back at Ali and he gave you a thumbs up. You got on the bike and wrapped your arms around him. 

"Where to first," he asked you as he revved the bike. 

"Surprise me," you said with a huge smile. 

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