(Basil X reader)

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Basil of Baker Street is a mysterious mouse. How can one mouse be so rude one minute and friendly the next. Not many can handle Basil but you could. 

"Basil please be quiet," you said looking up at him from your book. 

"That rat is back i know it," he said sitting on the couch next to you. 

You put the book down and scooted closer to him. You looked him in the eyes and shook your head. 

"You defeated Ratigan remember," you asked him. 

"I know he is back i know it," he said getting up. 

You havent know Basil for long but boy has it been a ride since you met him. You had come over to deliver Mrs. judson a package. you were standing at the door and kept knocking til Basil opened the door. 

"Can you shut up im trying to think," he said walking back into the living room. \

"Excuse you. That wasnt nice," you said standing with your hand on your hip. 

"You are very right im sorry," he said not looking at you but at a board with pictures. 

You somehow knew that was the best your were going to get and walked further into the house to look for Mrs. Judson. You found her in the kitchen making herself some tea. 

"Good morning Mrs. Judson," you said hopping your didnt startle her. 

"good morning my dear," she replied turning towards you. 

You placed the box on the table and she handed you a cup of tea. 

"Sorry if basil was rude, he is working on a really difficult case. four mice were found dead last week. Very sad," she said sipping her tea. 

"Its alright but i should be heading home. my mom doesn't want me out to late by myself," you said standing up. 

"Of couse my dear, you tell your mother i said hello," she said walking you to the door. 

On your way out, you caught a glance at the board  Basil was looking at. You noticed something funny in one of the pictures. you walked up to the board and grabbed the picture. 

"What are you...," Basil stated to say. 

"Look the cheese is funny," you said pointing to the cheese in the picture.

"What do you mean," he asked taking the photo from you. 

"There is a little brown thingy in the cheese. He might have been poisoned," you said pointing to the cheese. 

"Your brilliant," He said picking you up and spinning you around. "Come lets go. 

He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the house. And ever since that day, you help him on his cases from time to time. You looked up and saw him looked at the board. 

"Basil do you really think that Ratigan is back," you asked him.

"Yes," he replied. 

You kissed him cheek and look at him. a smile grows on his face as he looks at you. He grabs his coat and he walked to the door. With you not far be hind him, he opens the door.

"the Game is on," he said walking out of the house with you right behind him. 

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