July 3rd

Again with the pain of lies.
Being accused for things you didn't do so they say you lie. God I HATE the word.

Will I ever have a day that my legs will give up. But then I think when will I ever stop running? Running from everything.

I am not running away physically but mentally I never stopped running.

Sooner then later I'll fall and I'd sit there. In silence in the dark. Wishing there would be a light to come into my life.

I wish all the things that are on my shoulders, chained to my ankles,chained to my wrist would vanish. So I wouldn't be a SLAVE to my own feeling to my own mind to me.

I want my freedom. I want freedom to just let go.

Let go. It sounds so simple but isn't. Let go... Can I just let go of the edge I'm holding.

Do I have bravery to jump off the tallest building. Do I have the bravery to have the rope around my neck and to move the chair.

Do I even have bravery? No because I am still here....why am I here?

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