I'd do anything to be out of a house full of loneliness and darkness.

I'd tell my mom going to a friends house, going to Lincoln. Anywhere so I can try to run away from my fear.

But it never helps. Because I still feel alone. Like nobody will understand anything.

Alone makes people think and thinking isn't the greatest thing in the world. But there us a small group of people who don't make me feel alone.

The girls...A, C, B, And V For male its my two brothers..and a guy at school..J, First time I met him I thought he was cute, but my first thing to do is to be a bitch...thinking it would show him that nobody can get under my skin with insults... But the insults really did they just never showed. I'm not saying J insulted me because he didn't. He was different from other guys my gut just had that feeling. And without even realizing it, I started liking him...and we somehow became closer, it happened so fast.. I felt safe, I felt not alone..

Those seven people made me not feel alone. Made it seem like there was a way out if the bottomless pit of darkness. They were the light I could somewhat see...they were the little happiness I had in my life.

I never knew that I'd feel okay opening up to C and J like I did. They are the first to know who the anonymous girl is. My sisters A and V they don't know neither to my brothers. They are the only two people in the world that know who the I the anonymous girl is.

They promised they wouldn't tell anyone and I'm going to trust them.

Something like that is hard for me to do.

But I know I can trust them.

Life Of AnonymousTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang