|Fallen In Darkness|

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In darkness of room the only thing shine is a beautiful butterflies mark on her milky skin. It's two butterfly combination of blue and pink bordered with glittering diamonds on backside of her right shoulder blade.Madhu stared on it through mirror a reason why her father left her. A reason of her being different.

Today she turned 18 years old, her life coming to new turning point. Madhu pull on t-shirt switching on lights checked her cell phone which is buzzing with wishes but this all meant nothing to her. No happiness...no sadness just neutrality. The day will slip out like other normal days of her life. In loneliness because she is alone from her very childhood. When madhu's father left, her mom too abandoned her claiming madhu is only reason for this disaster... Seema their maid raised madhu like her own child, took care of her, nurtured her, gave her strength to stand alone in this world which madhu learned quite well.

''madhu beta!!'' seema called entering in room. Madhu replied turning to her ''yes aunty'' seema smile walking near her and caressed her cheek wishing ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY beta!!'' ''Thank you aunty!!!'' ''so you ready to start a new life? Is your packing over?'' ''hmm... Sort of done and am very excited to go shimla!!'' seema smiles hiding her sadness but madhu knew it, she continued ''but I will miss you aunty very much!!'' ''I will miss you too beta. Btw I have something for you.'' madhu beam in ecstasy asking ''what is it??'' seema handed her a yellow old envelope saying ''take this, It's letter from your mom. She wrote it in her last days and told me to give you at right time. Today I think that right time is here.'' madhu kept staring at envelope while seema spoke those words. She seems lost in her bitter past memories sensing it seema nudge her asking ''what are you thinking?'' ''ummm.. Nothing it's just that. It's very unexpected. A letter from mom who never consider me as her daughter.'' ''I know madhu what padmini did to you was worst but she is no more so forgive her and live your dreams fulfill them do not let your past hold on your present.'' madhu nods in agreement saying ''yeah aunty I will. Thank you for always being with me I love you!!'' ''I Love You too beta!!'' seema hugged her then left from room.

Madhu went near window in open air adoring endless forest. Cool breeze caress her skin she inhaled it feeling light and relax. Outside nature's beauty always calmed her she felt like being at home away from all worldly chaos, no worries, nothing just peace and greenery. She looked back at envelope thinking how in a day she can forgive her mother who made her life more than worse. She put back envelope in her bag not in mood to remember her mom and her cruelty. Madhu felt someone's presence around her so she search outside in green lawn knowing who it can be. After a moment she caught her two big brown eyes glowing at her hiding in bushes. Madhu grin calling ''squill I saw you, come out!!'' then she came out a brownish white very furry squirrel. Squill ran towards madhu jumping thru bushes and grasses finally jumped on window and sat before madhu.

''why you were hiding from me?'' madhu inquire in amuse. Squill squeak replying ''I was not! umm.. ok! I was but I was coming to meet you then saw you upset so hide to know what is bothering you!!'' ''Ohh...'' ''so why are you upset madhu?'' ''it's about mom! She left a letter for me!'' ''ohoh you read?'' ''no... I am not planning to read it soon!'' ''good. Now drop this sad mood and cheer up afterall it's your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY darling!'' squill swirl around doing happy dance making madhu laugh... She squeak again ''and we are going to shimla tomorrow so double celebration!'' madhu took her in arms kissing on her head spoke ''I love you so much squill you are the best!'' for normal person it's crazy to talk animals but for madhu it's her life. She knew from very day when her father said she is not normal girl but when she grown up she believed in it. Madhu is different from all she can interact with animals and one day she found squill in her garden then they became best friends sharing a very different and unique bond.


Madhu put back comb tying up hair in loose ponytail ready to call off busy day. She reached shimla early in morning and settled herself in college hostel. Whole day slipped while unpacking and making her room more like home. Madhu look around satisfied by her work then her eyes sat on cute basket in which squill is in deep slumber tierd from hectic day after helping madhu. Madhu slip under blanket prayed to God for New life which will start from tomorrow her first day of college thinking about it slowly she fell asleep!!!

Next day madhu enjoyed first day induldging in new environment. In each lecture she got busy in studies loving it to core. At night madhu stood near window like always admiring outside view feeling peaceful. After sometimes squill came out from bushes running and jumping squeak. ''Madhu come with me I want to show you something!'' ''squill you look tense what's wrong?'' ''don't ask just come out am waiting here!'' ''ok! Am coming...'' madhu took her side bag and sneak out from hostel walking to backside on way to forest. Squill begin to run taking madhu in deep dark forest. Madhu stride fast coping up with squill tension engulfing her.

Squill stopped before a tree madhu heaved a sigh her breath coming fast then her eyes fell on frozen ice. Madhu bent on her knees staring at icy monument when she make out what it really is said ''squill it's rabbit...'' ''yes madhu but it's so unusual it is frozen at time of summer!'' ''yeah!!'' madhu felt bad for rabbit she moved closer and caress on ice next moment ice melted startling her. Madhu and squill moved back as slowly frozen ice melted completely. Rabbit blinked its eyes glancing around it moved little here and there stretching itself then shook showering water all over madhu and squill. Looking at madhu rabbit bowed and spoke ''thank you my highness!!'' madhu stared at it quizzically rabbit continued ''how are you?'' ''who are you??'' squill inquired coming in between. Rabbit replied proudly ''am Mr. Wilms!'' ''wilms!'' squill repeated his words. Rabbit cleared his throat making point ''No... It's Mr. Wilms!'' ''okayy! Mr. Wilms myself squill and She is madhu my bestie!'' rabbit shook head speaking ''I know about her!'' squill made questioning look and madhu asked ''how do you know me Mr wilms?'' '''umm... It's long story my highness!'' ''but I want to know I can feel a connection with you!'' ''it's natural my highness if you want to explore this connection follow me!'' madhu looked at squill asking her permission squill nodded in yes then Mr wilms begin to move forward and both madhu and squill followed him. They ran to some distance finally stopping before a cave. Mr. Wilms turn to them and spoke ''MY highness from here you have to trust me. Come and fall in darkness!'' madhu nodded and they all walked in dark cave falling into endless darkness!!!



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