|Welcome To Fantasia|

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''Mr. Wilms!!'' madhu shouted in darkness, squill hearing her voice jumps on her entangling herself on madhu's neck. Rabbit replied after stabilizing himself ''yes my highness don't panic am here only. Just hold my hand will take you out of cave.'' saying so Mr. Wilms took madhu's hand walking her outside. Madhu blink twice by sudden enlightenment after a moment she glance around in awe her mouth gape in astonishment. Standing on highest peak she is seeing snow clawed world at her feet. Beautiful word failed to describe its beauty. So heavenly, everywhere it's snow, trees, bushes, mountains, small huts, many igloo a place she always dreams to live in. Unable to look away from view madhu asks ''where are we Mr. Wilms??'' rabbit clears his throat and with utmost pride replies ''in our world my highness. This is Fantasia Land!!'' madhu repeats his word ''fantasia!!'' still gawking in amuse. Then turning to opposite direction another view let her flabbergasted and confused.

Just a sec before she saw heaven and in this opposite direction it looks like hell... Whole area is in darkness very spooky. Wild forest, black mountains and in between stood a very huge creepy castle. Madhu felt like watching two sides of coins at once before her. Both areas are poles apart and partitioned by a snowy river. Mr. Wilms knowing madhu's confusion came forth beside her and cleared it saying ''after death of our King Fantasia got divided into two halves. That dark land belongs to Queen Palm Rosa and from the darkness you can predict how cruel she is. And this beautiful land is our where we fantasians live in peace and pride. We don't follow queen's evil path!!'' madhu contemplated his words gaining some knowledge about her new world which she found to be weird and blissful at same time.Mr. Wilms shrug off by single clap he came into his avatar wearing black long tuxedo and white bow looking like royal man. Madhu and squill keep staring him in amuse then he bows before madhu speaking ''Welcome to Fantasia my highness. Let's get you home!!!'' madhu bow back in honour and started to walk along. Passing through forest madhu enjoys beautiful snowfall playing alongwith squill throwing snow at each other... Mr. Wilms smiles thinking how happy king might felt if he was alive seeing his daughter in his kingdom.

Madhu hault in action seeing tears in Mr. Wilms eyes she asks with worry ''what happen? Why are you crying?'' Mr. Wilms who is unaware of those tears comes out of trance rubbing off tears replies ''nothing my highness. Just past memories!!'' ''ohh!!'' madhu gave him sympathy look then walked further in silence. Covering some distance they reached to area where huts and igloo are built. Mr Wilms take them to his hut bypassers kept gawking at her and murmuring among themselves. Other side madhu feels out of world seeing animals and humans living together talking to each other. She finds their dress up very funny as women are wearing long colorful skirts and bikini top just covering their mounds beside this their neck, shoulder and stomach parts are completely nude. A thing madhu find beautiful is crown made of flowers which every girl and women is wearing on head. And men wearing simple sleeveless t-shirt with long plazo pants looking from 90s which made madhu laugh. Entering inside house madhu look around well-furnished place everything is similar like other houses just things are very small suitable for Mr. Wilms. Squill jumps from madhu's shoulder running all over place shouting ''I love this place madhu it's so beautiful I feel like home.'' ''me too!!!'' madhu agrees smiling. ''you live alone Mr. Wilms?'' ''yes my highness!!'' ''okay! Tell me more about this place, Mr. Wilms why everyone outside where staring me like that?'' madhu asks with concern hearing her question Mr. Wilms's face fall thinking he have to tell bitter truth of past. Before he can answer someone banged on door people started to shout outside Mr. Wilms ran out and saw everyone is gather around his hut looking very angry...

Mr. Wilms fear comes true, one of man shouted ''Mr. Wilms you cannot bring her to our world!'' other spoke ''she is daughter of that b**** who betrayed our king left our kingdom in misery! We will not accept her!!'' everyone agrees in unison madhu who stood stunned besides Mr. Wilms unable to interpret reason for everyone's hatred towards her. Madhu felt someone stabbed her heart hearing those curses and bad words for her not taking it more she ran away from their crying Mr. Wilms called for her but everyone came in between saying ''let her go away from our land!!'' poor squill also got stuck in between them. Madhu kept running without knowledge of directions tears keeps rolling on her rosy cheeks. Lastly when her leg gave up she falls on ground near a huge tree and cries badly. Slowly night falls, darkening all around after crying for hours madhu looked around finding way to get back to squill but unfortunately she don't remember any of pathway. Madhu sat under tree waiting for help or for Mr. Wilms to find her. Very late at night various sounds of animals echoed in forest scaring madhu to core clutching her knees she cocoons herself. Moment later she felt someone's presence around howl of wolf echoes making her shreak with fear she shouted ''someone help me!! Is anyone here? Mr. Wilms squill!!'' but no one appeared. After brief moment of deathly silence a horse came running out from nowhere. Madhu stood up in hope but as horse approach more near she saw someone in black her heart grips in fear she stumbles back gluing to tree. Horse stops a distance away, a man wearing same cloths like other fantasians is sitting on it but his face is cover in black hood. Man jumps off from horse standing a good distance away from her. Madhu studied him with wide eyes from toe to head. He is enormously built up having perfect tone body, in his right hand is royal sword and on left hand he have tattoo of dark blue Dragon.

Man asks ''who are you??'' his voice so hoarse and seductive that madhu find her knees going weak. She blinks replying ''I am madhubala from earth!!'' hearing her answers his every muscles tense up composing himself he inquires ''what are you doing in forest at this time?? You have no idea how dangerous it is to roam here.'' madhu shook her head answering ''I got lost in forest am new to this place!!'' ''that I know come with me!!'' saying so he took a step near her and his tattoo lighten up burning his each cell same happened with madhu, she felt her butterflies mark shining inside her top and felt extreme pain in back. Man stops in action taking his step back knowing the reason for this pain. He blows air on her face soon madhu loss her consciousness falling on ground but he quickly move forward catching her in his strong arms. His marks shines again with intense burning sensation but he bears it and carry madhu, his icy blue eyes admire her beauty. In a corner of his heart he felt complete his years long wait has come to an end but still he have to wait more for her. Lastly he speaks admiring her ''welcome to Fantasia sugar!!'' then jumps on horse taking her along.



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