|Facts Of Fantasia-2|

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Madhu and squill are roaming in forest enjoying the finest beauty of Fantasia when suddenly they heard noises. Both halt in place checking around for intruder just then a lion jumps before them giving heart attack. In fear squill hides behind madhu's leg and poor madhu stays in place like a statue with wide eyes not knowing how to breath also. Lion is very gigantic and it's eyes are charcoal black making him look more evil. Gaining some courage madhu moves back a little in process to run away but by single roar of lion she gets stud at her place. Both madhu and squill becomes immobile only their eyes can move other parts of body feels like paralyzed. Lion orders ''Take her!!'' and two white bears comes out from bushes and picks up madhu from either sides poor helpless squill starts crying.

In darkness of spooky castle bears present madhu before Queen Palm Rosa madhu stare at her in dismay with utmost hatred. Queen Palm Rosa is ditto what madhu had imagined. A very attractive lady in her 40's. Her golden brown hair touches ground and she is adorned in complete black attire justifying evil word perfectly. ''welcome my little b**** .'' queen barks in disgust ''I pity on you!! Why the hell you walked in Fantasia? You don't know how much I hate your mother and now that hatred has transferred on you. I will kill you and fulfill my revenge that was left incomplete because I never met your mother. Imprison her!!'' queen orders. Bears take madhu inside castle and locks her in dark chamber. After sometime she gets unfreeze and realizes it was lion's spell which made her immobile. Madhu walk near door and from small gap peeps outside for help but it's lone dark place. Her mind is in trauma after confronting Queen her evilness had scared madhu too core. Madhu have no idea how she will conquer queen and help fantasians moreover how to first save herself from this danger. In shock state she settles in one corner of chamber and cries.

Other side in beautiful snowy woods RK is riding on his horse on duty to guard his land. Just then sharp pain shook his body. He unbutton his shirt and find tattoo sparkling again n again the pain gives sting to him. Looking at castle on dark hills he shouts in rage ''Madhuuuuu!!!'' the pain and sparkling tattoo indicated that madhu is in danger. RK rides hastily moving near darkland to save his mate. Reaching outside castle RK wait for sunset of other side becoz after sunset Queen goes for meditation to strengthen her power so that time he can enter castle and save madhu. After sunset RK enters inside very keenly he move in direction of dark chamber where he can find madhu. On way RK confront bears both are guarding chamber RK move near them tip toeing and blow air on both making them unconscious. Walking inside chamber RK finds madhu on floor sleeping uncomfortably. Coming in her proximity RK's tattoo sparkles with burning sensation same happens with madhu her facial expression turns into painful one. Bearing that pain RK moves forward and scoop madhu in his strong arms than leaves castle asap. On way back madhu's eyes flickers as pain becomes intense. Opening her eyes she gets spell bound with RK's presence for first time she get a chance to see his face which madhu finds most amusing view of her life. She gets enchanted by him and other side RK is busy in riding horse to reach safe place soon...

''it's burning badly!!'' ''it will. Just bear it for sometime sugar!!'' ''sugar?? My name is madhu!!'' ''For me it's sugar and I can call you whatever I like to.'' ''and why that so Mr. Royal Knight??'' ''because you are mine my mate!!!'' RK replies with smirk and madhu gape at him in annoyance she didn't liked the way he authorised her. ''Don't bluff this is impossible.'' RK give back ''it is possible. Do you know why our tattoos are sparkling and burning??'' madhu shook her head in negativity so RK clears it. ''they are craving for our mating. It's fantasia's fact when mates are in each other's proximity their tattoos will sparkle and burn for mating. Now you believe me sugar?'' madhu's face turns into pinkish peach hearing everything still she don't believe him and declares ''you are lying to me RK!!! Just because am not fantasian you cannot make any stupid fact and impose on me!!!'' she turns her face other side and realizes about their position. Her mind registers RK had saved her from evil queen now they are in safe part of Fantasia riding on horse and she is actually sitting on his lap striding him. With one hand RK controls his horse and by other one holds madhu's face making her look at him. He asks ''you want a proof? The pain will subside if you want it to!!!'' ''really then prove it.'' very next moment RK captures her lips for an intense kiss. He suck on her lip and bit hard gaining entrance. He devour her sugary saliva as the kiss deepens madhu lost herself in ocean of desire kissing him back and slowly burning sensation subsides and tattoos stops sparkling as their crave mets desire. When they move apart madhu was breathless and stunned. RK move near her and licks her lips last time asking with amuse ''now you believe me sugar?'' madhu blush like fool and keep staring down unable to declare her defeat.

Suddenly a creature jumps before horse halting it and madhu bumps in RK's chest. RK finds Luco standing before them ''Royal knight!! My favourite enemy.'' ''Same here Luco!!'' RK jumps off from horse so does madhu confronting Luco. ''RK we can be friends you know if you leave the girl here and go back!!!'' RK spat back ''if you are really a Lion dare to touch her.'' and takes out his sword but madhu interferes saying ''RK you cannot harm Luco he is in spell of queen and you know he was most trustworthy soldier of kingdom!!'' RK stare at her in disbelief here that Luco is all set to take her life but she is worried for Luco only. RK asks ''then how I deal with him because I am not letting him to take you!!'' ''use your magic.'' RK nods in agreement moving near Luco he blows air making him unconscious than both runs away from there.

RK and madhu reaches Mr. Wilms house and RK narrated whatever happened in woods to him hearing about Luco Mr. Wilms gets emotional because once they were best buddies and now everything is ruined. Squill jumps on madhu's shoulder saying ''thank God madhu you are safe. When they took you I thought had lost you for forever.'' ''relax squill am fine RK saved me so thanks to him.'' squill nods looking at RK thanking him. Mr. Wilms compose himself speaking ''we have to do something very soon. The queen is getting more powerful with each passing day. Daily one of Fantasian man or woman is been kidnap and taken to castle. Queen kills them and empower herself!!'' hearing this bitter fact squill and madhu get flabbergasted. Madhu spats in disgust ''such a heartless creep she is. Mr. Wilms what we will do? I am blank!!'' ''you have to sit on throne my highness and to reach near throne you have to turn into real fantasian.'' madhu inquires ''but how?'' ''you have to marry Royal Knight after your marriage you will be queen and you will possess powers like us.'' madhu looks at RK with wide eyes she knows she feels something for him but needs time to sort out it. RK moves forward coming before her and speaks ''whatever you are thinking is right but to save our kingdom we need to do this!!!'' madhu understands the situation and agrees for marriage. Mr. Wilms smiles and squill jumps in excitement. RK orders ''Mr. Wilms start preparation for wedding it will be held next day of full moon night.'' ''yes RK but before wedding you both.'' ''Mr. Wilms I will take care of it I know the rituals and will explain her.'' saying so RK walks out of hut and madhu stood there in confusion thinking what rituals both are talking about??



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