|Confining Souls|

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"Lets go" RK states climbing on horse both left from his place... Mr. Wilms and squill greet RK and madhu as both walk in hut... "How was the day?" squill question madhu blush replying "fine..." squill stare her giving looks ' just fine? are you crazy?' "i should leave now..." RK says looking at madhu, she nods with smile... bowing before Mr. Wilms RK lefts from there... Madhu and squill indulge in girly talk as squill interrogate her asking everything that happens between madhu and RK from morning... Madhu unable to escape narrated everything to squill lastly concluding how she confessed her love for RK... squill jumps in excitement doing a happy dance... Night falls and after having dinner they all retire to beds... Tonight madhu also gets a bed of her size in which she sleeps comfortbly dreaming about her Royal Knight aka RK...Next morning again madhu is standing outside RK's house conflicting whether to knock or not...she wants to spend another day with him but she dont want to be clingy then still she can't refuse an urge of seeing RK so taking deep breath she knocks on door but it creaks open making her groan confusion again she thinks a while then decides to walk in without any hesitation getting in she looks around... house is clean with necessary furnitures on her right she finds a door interpeting it might be bedroom as madhu takes some more steps then turning to left she gets immobilise because of the view which unfold before her... she finds RK in kitchen cooking something his bare back making madhu drool on him... after a moment she compose herself clears her throat... making RK turn toward her with an amusing smile... RK had already felt madhu's presence the minute she walked in his house...Madhu greets "good morning!!" "Morning sugar!! want to join me for breakfast??" "depends on what you are cooking... if it's same boring tasteless soup then am not.." madhu speaks with boring expression... RK chuckles saying "so you find our traitional soup boring and tasteless huhh?? but its my secret recipe you must taste.. you will like it..." "dont bluff me RK... i know it's same because i daily have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner... seriously? how you all can live it up to it only... am dying here..." madhu says coming near to him and peeping in pot... "I assure you sugar taste it once.." "okay if you insist.." madhu agrees looking into his dark eyes... their closeness burns a pain but this time madhu didn't flinch back she stare at him with a passion RK takes a step imbibing every distance from between them and soon places his mouth on her's for a sweet slow kiss... Backing away RK says ''I can never let you loathe in pain...'' After that they settles on chair RK put two bowls madhu takes her's sipping a little she moans "woww!! its yummy..." "i told you sugar.." "but how you make it RK?? will you share your secert recipe with me... please!!" RK lauhgs hard looking at her puppy fcae of plea he denies "no sugar i cant sorry!! but I can make this for you daily plus I have more secret recipes like such.." madhu pouts sadly but agrees thinking atleast she don't have to rely on that tasteless soup which she is having from the day she walked in Fantasia... they indulge in light chat enjoying their breakfast...After an hour RK ask her permission to leave as he have to do some preparation for their marriage moreover for thier consummation night... madhu blush hearing that single word and RK talk it out so easily he also informs after tonight they will see each other at holy rivier tomorrow night only... madhu nods understanding the ritual then RK takes madhu with him dropping her at Mr. Wilms place... Later at evening some girls comes to meet madhu moreover to take her measurement for stitching her dress which she will wear tomorrow for the most important night of her life... Squill kept teasing madhu whole time seeing her nervousness increasing with each passing moment...Next day passed in blur for madhu and night came... Madhu got ready wearing her dress turning to mirror she is stun looking at herself her skin is radiant the dress which is so simple white color long skirt with baby pink color top of lotus shape hugging her bossoms perfectly two strings at shoulder holding the top at it's place... Madhu swirls around happily, squill and Mr. Wilms also adore her amusingly... A horse cart takes madhu to holy place... Stepping down she walks inside the moment her feet steps in all her nervousness and anxiety from last night vanishes away in thin air... The place holds such a positive vibes making madhu happy and excited... Same heavenly aroma of flowers engulfs her senses... Walking a little distance she finds another huge wooden door open wide this time inviting her...Madhu excitedly goes in to find RK already present there... He is wearing full white cloth total opposite from his normal clothing style madhu finds him damn sexy in that attire... RK walks near her and bows. ''welcome my Highness!!'' in honour madhu too bends a little holding her skirt at both sides... RK smiles wide forwarding his hand he compliments her ''you look beautiful sugar!!'' madhu blush placing her hand on his... They take steps hand in hand madhu look around before her is only a small land covered in greenery rest is blue shimmering water... Holy river is adorn with lotus flowers... Madhu find it's very unique as she never saw lotus flower in such clean water but what to say it's Fantasia everything is unique here... Full moon is enlightening the whole place engulfing away darkness...Madhu looks at her right side finding a small hut made of woods, leaves and flowers the view is so enchanting madhu couldn't blink her eyes... She mumbles ''it's so serene RK!!'' ''you like it sugar!!'' madhu give him looks 'are you kidding me' she squeals happily ''I love it RK!! It so beautiful and fresh!! How old is this hut?'' ''I built it today!!'' ''what??'' madhu asks him shocked RK nods in yes stating ''it's part of ritual that groom have to built the place where they will consummate their love...'' ''Whaoo!! These rituals are mind blowing RK!! I still can't believe you built it! From when you were working??'' ''from early morning... We have to built it in a day it's on groom to built a beautiful hut to please his love!!'' ''you really pleased me my Royal Knight!! I love YOU!!'' ''I Love You too sugar... Shall we??'' madhu nods in walking inside hut it's more beautiful inside whole land in covered with petals of different flowers madhu hesitates to step on it... RK assures her ''walk on it bare feet they wouldn't be ruined!!'' ''are you sure??'' ''very sure...'' madhu removes her sandals and so does RK taking a step along... The softness tingle their feet electrifying a wave of pleasure through their body... The hut is open from upper side as moon is straight above on them... Coming in centre of place RK holds madhu's both hands looking directly in her eyes he asks ''you ready??'' ''yess!!'' madhu replies excitedly confused within how can she feel so relax and calm about this consummation but deep down she knows it's vibes of holy place... RK makes her lay on soft petals along with him... Taking her lips in his He starts to kiss her passionately savoring her... Soon his mouth travels to her jaw trailing down... He peppered her body with sweet lingering kisses one by one removing all the barriers from between them... Madhu was a beautiful mess until RK gave her first sweet orgasm of life by creating magic simply by his mouth... Soon he entered in her deflowering madhu she cries out in pain as RK kiss her distracting her mind soon pain dissipates into tremendous pleasure... RK worshipped her body making sweet love to her again and again till dawn breaks... At their unison both of their tattoos sparkles changing it's color to deep purple with more sparkle...At dark land of Fantasia a thunder bolts falling on pitch black throne changing its color to light grey shade... Queen Palm Rosa get stuns looking at this her hardwork of so many years is descending... She shouts ''Leo! Present yourself now...'' A second later lion strides in coming beside Queen it bows before her than looks at throne getting shocked too... Queen inquires ''what's happening?'' ''my highness it's bad omen for us... Darkness is fading away...'' ''but how??'' ''King's daughter... It's because of her... She is now a Fantasian...'' ' 'what? How is that even possible??'' Leo clarifies her ''because she consummated with her mate who is a Fantasian... Now she is one of us... Our real Queen...'' hearing this Queen put forth her magic wand towards Leo a flash of light occurs making poor lion writhe in pain... Queen shouts ''she is not your Queen... It's only me... Just go and bring her to me now!!'' Leo moans in pain specifying ''we can't do that... She is at holy place and no evil soul can cross it's gate!!'' Queen gets furious hearing it she roars in agony ''No.. NO... I can't let her win... This is my Fantasia... I Will Kill You Madhubala..!!!''------SuRu

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