|Faded Darkness|

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A beautiful dawn welcomes Fantasia with New vibes of positivity and happiness indicating the end of evilness is on it's way... RK and madhu takes bath in holy river then walk to thrones were auspicious ceremony of their new life will begin... Slowly all Fantasian gathers at holy place to witness this beautiful wedding... Mr. Wilms who is Godfather of madhu starts the ritual of marriage by saying vows as both RK and Madhu repeats it after him in unison and soon they are declared as newly married couple... Every single person and animals shout outs for them... Later after party starts as one by one all comes up to shower them with blessings and love...

Same day at evening RK takes madhu to castle along with other guards to confront Queen Palm Rosa as time had finally come...  Madhu is hell nervous thinking how everything will be settle and most important how she will defeat the evil queen... RK knowing her condition assures her  ''am with you sugar... I will protect you at cost of my life... You are our Queen now!!''  madhu smiles genuinely stating  ''And you are my King... We will protect each other and save our Fantasia too...''  Soon they reach castle getting inside RK simply makes every spell bound animal  unconscious instead of hurting them...  They reach in huge hall where Queen Palm Rosa is present waiting for them...  She stands up walking near them and speaks in mocking tone ''most welcome My King and Queen... Or I should regard you as fools who had walked in my castle calling for their death!!''  RK nods at madhu to go and sit on throne because if she did it all evil hard work of killing people and gaining power of Palm Rosa will go in vain... Madhu starts to walk but Palm Rosa forward her magical wand at her a bright light flashes madhu hides her face in fear waiting for pain but nothing comes... Seeing this Palm Rosa attack at her again but fails madhu is shocked thinking how is that possible but RK got it... Like every Fantasian madhu also got power of shield after consummation because of which no magical power of others will work on her...

RK orders  ''Madhu go and sit on throne!!'' she simply nods and climb steps other side Palm Rosa still in shock keeps trying her magic on her but unfortunately failing every time... Madhu reaches near throne and taking a deep sigh she sits... Thunder strucks in darkness and slowly throne turns into its original color... Outside darkness fades away bringing a beautiful sunset painting the sky in Orange n yellow color... The animals who were in evil queen's spell gets free gaining back their innocence... Palm Rosa stands at her spot failed and helpless... All her powers destroyed making her weak and helpless...  RK walks where madhu is sitting asking  ''what punishment you will order for her??''  madhu denies ''its not my right to punish her... She is culprit of those innocent animals whom she made slaves by her evilness and tortured them for so many years...'' Luco comes there bowing before RK and Madhu ''My Highness!!''  ''Luco she is all yours!!'' madhu orders lion... He roars in rage looking at Palm Rosa very next sec pounce on her dragging her out of castle...  Outside everyone cheers for their independence from evilness and darkness of Palm Rosa... Those innocent animals who were in evil spell goes back to their homes meeting their loved one's as waves of happiness spreads through whole Fantasia land washing away the faded darkness!!!



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