|Facts Of Fantasia-1|

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Madhu blink her eyes sitting up, stretching her hands she yawn Mr. Wilms came into view and squill jump on her sitting in lap. Madhu said sleepily ''Good morning Mr. Wilms!!'' he greet back ''Good morning my highness!!'' and squill laughed saying ''it's night madhu!!'' madhu look outside from single window and saw darkness registering its night but she get confuse thinking when she slept and what time is it. Hammering her brain for sometime last incident played before her eyes that she was lost in forest then met an anonymous man after that everything is blank. ''how did I came back??'' madhu inquire looking at Mr. Wilms ''don't you remember anything my highness??'' ''no! Lastly I met a man in woods then he did something to me so I lost consciousness!!'' ''that man only brought you here!!'' ''who was he Mr. Wilms?'' ''he is Royal Knight aka RK he guards fantasia from evil, means queen Palm Rosa!!'' ''ohh...'' squill jumps on madhu's shoulder whispers excitedly ''he was so handsome naa!!'' ''you saw him squill??'' ''of course you didn't??'' madhu respond in negativity saying ''his face was covered!!'' ''ohh!! Better luck next time baby!!'' madhu giggles at squill's statement.

Mr. Wilms declares ''we should sleep it's late night. My highness I feel sorry to say that I don't have a bed of your size!!'' madhu smiles saying ''it's ok no problem I will sleep on floor.'' ''am sorry for inconvenience till tomorrow will do all arrangements!!'' ''madhu in this case am very lucky Mr. Wilms have two beds so I can sleep on one!!!'' squill spoke jumping on bed. Madhu bid good night to both and lays on floor. Mr. Wilms and squill also get into bed. Laying for while madhu start to replay all incidents which occurred in a single day. Meeting with Mr. Wilms, coming to fantasia, everyone cursing her and lastly meeting with RK which she find most unpleasant and alluring. The unknown spell between them bother her she want to meet him again, see his face but for now most important thing which is making her restless is fantasians behavior what her mom did to them so they hate her so much and Madhu too. Fidgeting on floor madhu gave up sitting back she look on side of Mr. Wilms he is sleeping but madhu couldn't resist urge to know everything so she silently walk near his bed and calls him ''Mr. Wilms wake up please!!'' tapping twice Mr. Wilms wakes up startling and asks ''anything you need my highness??'' ''umm... Yes! I know this is not perfect time to ask such things but can you please tell me whole past of Fantasia??'' Mr. Wilms sighs saying ''I know you will ask my highness!! No problem with timings I will narrate you everything!!'' Mr. Wilms stood up and with madhu sat in a corner on floor then lit up a lamp with a clap madhu found it magical so inquires ''how you do this?'' ''my power by clapping I can get what I want and everyone in fantasia is blessed with different powers!!'' ''wow!! Very amusing it is..'' ' 'so should I start my highness!!'' madhu nods in agreement.

''hmm... First let me introduce to fantasia land... At primeval age fantasia was established and like this other six lands were made by God giving throne to most humble men in world from which one was your ancestor who got throne of Fantasia!! From 1000 years fantasia was in peace and joy but one day before some years your mother came here!!'' Mr. Wilms completes with dreamy smile madhu asks her query ''but how? Like me you bring her here?'' ''no my highness she came here accidentally. at that time she was young and beautiful like you. We all welcomed her humbly she was amuse by fantasia. When king met her they got attracted and fall in love. It was against nature becoz Fantasian people have mate and king's mate was Palm Rosa but king was unaware of it he loved your mother whole heartedly and decided to marry her. And for fantasian it's fact to consummate before wedding so they did it and just before wedding night your mother eloped from fantasia!!'' Madhu asks in disbelief ''what?? Mom ran away before marriage??'' ''yes with help of Mrs. Wilms she left fantasia for forever!!'' Mr. Wilms spoke in dismay. ''Mrs Wilms? Means your wife?'' madhu ask in shock... He sighs with utmost pain nodded in yes continuing ''yes my wife... Your mother was close to my wife they were best frnds. Padmini somehow convince her to help her as no ordinary people knows way back to earth!'' ''so where is Mrs. Wilms now?'' madhu asks in horror knowing what reply she will get and same Mr. Wilms replied ''she died. For helping your mother She was punished as no one can leave fantasia without permission of king. So she was imprisoned but when she realized her mistake was unable to loath in guilt so killed herself.'' a lone tear escapes from his eyes. ''oh God am sorry Mr. Wilms!!'' saying so madhu hugged him crying in pain she speaks ''just becoz of my mother's selfishness everyone got punished, am very sorry!!'' Mr. Wilms pat madhu's back drying off his tears speaks ''don't be sorry my highness Mrs. Wilms was culprit too she should have come to me or king. We would allowed your mother to go back but padmini betrayed him hurt him. King was so upset and lifeless without her. He was bound to kingdom or else he would have gone to earth to bring her back. After sometime he met Palm Rosa, for kingdom and to get heir he married to her but unfortunately he never able to love queen and didn't got heir also. for your mother's sake king ordered me to go on earth and brings news for him. When I found her she was married to someone. And one day she got to know about you that she is pregnant and it's king's heir.''

Madhu stayed numb after hearing this all, she is king's daughter her real father about whom her mother never spoke a word. In utter shock she mumbles ''means I am princess of Fantasia!!'' ''yes my highness you are!! When I came back to fantasia to give this good news to king he was in bed fighting for his life. Our fantasia got engulfed in darkness. Then king told me about queen Palm Rosa how cruel she is, her hatred for mankind was because of your mother she never got love and place in king's heart. She slowly poisoned king to kill him and wanted to rule fantasia!! For king me and luco he is lion were most trustworthy commander when I was on earth queen bounded luco in her spell and other animals who were loyal army of kingdom..She wanted to destroy mankind of Fantasia queen only wants animals to live here and be her puppets. But king got aware of everything he somehow made protecting shield around throne and without sitting on throne queen cannot rule her powers are neutral. Lastly king died giving me last order to go back on earth and protect you!!!'' madhu's eyes welled up with tears after hearing about her father's crucial death. ''don't cry my highness your father is still with you within you as am sure you are his replica and not selfish like your mother!!'' madhu rubs off her tears and said proudly ''yes I am like my father and will bring that peace and joy in fantasia again. Tomorrow will apologize to fantasian for what my mom did and win back their trust and love.'' ''that's really good of you my highness today king will be feeling proud of you!!'' madhu smiles wide imagning her father. After a moment of silence she asks ''but how to defeat queen?? She wouldn't allow me to sit on throne and sheild??'' ''shield is nothing for you as you are king's daughter his blood but queen will try to harm you. When I was on earth she froze me so I can't reach you but God have something else in fate he brought you to me and saved my life!!'' ''yes you were frozen I forgot to ask about it so queen did that to you. But thanks to squill that she found you and drag me in forest...'' madhu completed staring at squill lovingly...

Mr. Wilms stood up saying ''now you should sleep my highness!!'' ''yes and thanks for narrating everything Mr. Squill from tomorrow I will start to mend up our whole fantasia that darkness of queen will not exist for long.'' Mr. Wilms bows before her in honour and Madhu left to sleep on her place planning from where to start this mission. Next day Mr. Wilms gathered everyone and convinced to listen up madhu and she apologized everyone winning their trust. It was her first step to victory next she wants to meet evil queen.



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