|In Love n Be Loved|

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Next morning of FanTasia seems quite different, full of happiness and a hope. News about madhu and RK's marriage was spread like a glee in whole land but refrained from Queen Palm Rosa and animals who are in her spell so no hindrance occurs in this wedding. Madhu got ready welcoming a new bright day. She walked out of hut, everyone look so happy, they all greeted her with respect. Madhu loved this whole new transformation. She thinks for a while ''you will find him in Northwood.'' Mr. Wilms clears her query. Madhu nods and starts walking in north ready to meet RK.

The sudden marriage decision has shook her little but she isn't like her mother. Waking up this morning the first person cross her mind was RK. She decided to meet him, know him more after all he is going to be her future. Mr. Wilms also gave her positive nod about this idea. Walking for some minutes she found a big hut in middle of woods which looks again damn beautiful like whole FanTasia is. She spot RK's horse outside which means he is in. Coming near doorway she took deep breath nervous like hell, madhu knocks on door and wait to hear his husky voice which makes her weak but nothing came so she knocks again and this time his voice came ''Sugar!!'' making her jump. She turn back finding RK standing outside tall and adorned in black dress looking devilishly handsome. RK move in her direction but steps back knowing what will happen if he will go in her proximity. Madhu took a deep breath calming her ragging nerves.

''Why are you here?'' RK inquires madhu fumble with her fingers thinking for an answer after a long pause she replies ''I came to spend time with you. Soo.. so we can know each other.'' RK hummed interpreting her words. Madhu took a step forward but backed again and suddenly inquired. ''if we kiss then for how long our tattoo wouldn't burn?'' RK's brow raise in amusement he replied with wide grin ''at least for a day.'' madhu sighs thinking, that is much time, a day is all she needs for now. Imbibing the distance between them madhu stood before him face to face and state ''then kiss me!!'' RK whispers ''your wish is my command sugar!!'' in very next moment they both are lost in deep passionate kiss. RK release her feeling her at short of breath madhu dug her face down blushing like a strawberry. After a sec of silence RK entangle their hands and starts walking.

''is this marriage a burden on you?'' RK asks in a clipped tone. ''no it isn't... Moreover I feel like it's my responsibility. Fantasian already had suffered a lot because of my mother but not anymore.'' ''what about you RK? Is it burden for you?'' madhu's question took him back he stare her for a min then replies ''not at all. Like you it is my responsibility too and moreover you are my mate, we are destined for each other. And I love you sugar!!'' madhu's eyes went wide hearing his confession just in a simple way he said those words so easily. She kept mum processing his words in her brain. A thick silence lingered between both for sometime, RK kept walking holding her hand not demanding any reaction or reply. For which madhu felt light hearted deep down she knows she is falling for him very badly but it's too soon to conclude her feelings. Not taking silence any more she asks ''what are rituals you and Mr. Wilms were talking about?'' RK smirk replying ''you will know in some mins. We are going there only.'' a shiver went down her spine due to RK's way of answer. They came to stop before a huge cream color wooden door. RK opened it pushing with force then took madhu inside.

Taking first step madhu's nostril filled with an aroma she never in her life smelled anything so pleasant. She look around the wide ground is adorned with beautiful colorful flowers everywhere. Not a single piece of earth is visible. The place is so serene and peaceful madhu felt like being in heaven. Walking inside she found butterflies flying everywhere and cute fluffy rabbits running here and there. Madhu faced RK with amusing smile inquires ''what's this place is?'' ''this is holy place of FanTasia. Where marriages happens.'' ''Wow!! It's so beautiful RK. Means we will get marry here.'' RK nods in yes. In excitement madhu swirl around feeling like happy bird. The place holds such a positive vibes within that a person feels alive leaving behind all pain and sorrows. RK took madhu's hand taking her deep inside. They stopped before two thrones adorned with varying colors of roses. RK explains her ''here bride and groom sit and take their marriage vows!!'' madhu blinks in amazement imagining after couple of days she will be sitting here with RK starting a new life. The whole imagination gives her goosebumps of joy. She look around more capturing every nook n cranny of this holy place. At one corner she sees another huge wooden door walking near it she asks ''where this door leads?'' RK come forth standing beside her and with a smirk replies ''behind this is a holy river of FanTasia land. And place where couples consummate their love before marriage which is one of important ritual of FanTasia.'' a chill ran down her spine hearing RK's words. Madhu already knew about this ritual but now thinking of going through it by herself is giving her chills. She dug her face down and turn back mumbling ''I know this ritual.'' RK chuckles asking ''how??'' ''when Mr. Wilms was telling me about dad and Mom he explained it to me.'' ''okay! That's good. I was afraid about it. I thought when I will tell you, you might call off this marriage.'' madhu shook her head in no saying ''I wouldn't run away RK trust me am not like my mother. Am like my father and am proud about it.'' RK smiles hearing her words then take her hand in his giving a light smooch on back of her hand which earns him a cute blush from madhu.

After sometime they left the holy place walking back to RK's hut. ''let's get you back to Mr.Wilms place it's getting dark now.'' RK states but madhu is lost in her thoughts not receiving any response RK calls her ''sugarr!!'' that simple word from his mouth flutter her heart. RK raise a brow indicating what's the matter. Madhu blush like a fool and finally says ''I Love You!!'' this time RK is lost at word he didn't expected her to confess so soon. Other side madhu anticipate for his reaction she knows it's so sudden but she can't help She loves him with her whole heart. His presence, his touch, his words hold such an impact on her, madhu never felt these all till now. Every action of RK makes her feel so special. Still not getting any reaction from him madhu whispers ''RKkk!!'' and very next moment RK pulls her in his arms kissing her senseless. This kiss holds a special passion from previous ones. Madhu too kiss him back with all Love and without any hesitation. Feeling in love and be Loved by her mate.



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